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How could one have positives in both IgG and IgM categories. IgG represents older infection and IgM represents recent infection. This confuses me but I am sure many of you have already asked this question of your docs.




As I understand it, generally IGG means past infection and IGM is current - this does not apply to Lyme Western Blot which is an imperfect test. It gives some additional information but not much, as part of the whole picture. My DD's test have been all over the place, CDC IGM positive, then negative, them some IGM and some IGG. My LLMD was more concerned with the specific bands, for example my DD has band 93 IND on IGG I think and maybe + on IGM by SUNY and Igenex, and has been on ABX for months. He said Band 93 is proof to him of Lyme, while other bands may not be as indiciative. I now believe she acquired Lyme in 2010, based on symptoms and tests, however she had CDC IGM positive tests by Quest in Jan and March of 2012 - IGM vs IGG doesnt't seem to mean very much for Lyme.


Lyme can vacillate between IgM and IgG perpetually. How the bacteria do this is unknown, but some think the bacteria goes into "cyst mode", evades the immune system, then re-emerges and triggers IgM again.




I agree. After being off abx for a few months, my dd's Igenex WB IgM & IgG in December was lit up. First time in over a year IgG was positive. She also cultured positive with Advanced lab. Went back on abx in Feb. and now her IgG is negative again. I think the abx vacation allowed it to frequent more in the blood stream and less in cyst form.

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