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Lucas had tics for a year on and off and it totally broke my heart to watch him, early this year I took him for a blood test which was a huge ordeal he was so scared it finally took a week to get done, I wanted to eliminate strep as a cause, the only thing that came back was he was slightly high iron levels, but they didn't seem too concerned at all. In March I was getting ill because of it, i was so stressed that I had to try something, so i took Lucas for a hair allergy test, it came back that he was intolerant to Wheat, Sugar, eggs and food colourings, we started the wheat free, sugar free, egg free and without reaslising yeast free diet straight away and after 2 days he improved by 95% it was amazing, his teacher couldn't believe it..I was so happy, I had found something that was going to help Lucas..this went on for 3 months (he still had a few really bad days and still had tics almost every day, but he went from ticcing every second to ticcing 4 times a day).


About 5 weeks ago i found some bread in the local supermarket that was sugar free and wheat free, Lucas was over the moon we had found bread he could have...over 3 weeks of having this bread every day we slowly started to see his tics get worse so we thought it must be the yeast! so at the start of the new zealand school holidays we decided to start him on a candida detox, we started him on inner health kids probiotics, to be honest we didn't really see a difference at all and this diet/detox was really hard, especially on Lucas. At the end of the 2 weeks we decided to go back to the diet we were on before wheat free, yeast free, sugar free and egg free, but the tics are still getting worse. Today wsa his 3rd day back at school from the holidays and his teacher said he was really ticcing heaps...he doesn't know how much that hurt because on some level i like to think that i'm the only one who can see him ticcing, i love my little baby so much and i am determined to help him and find whatever it is that will either stop him ticcing altogether or go back to them being 95% better I really was happy with that.


Do you think it was yeast and we need to stick to a strict diet! but he was pretty good for 3 months on the diet we were on before doing the detox so what happened?


Don't get me wrong he is still better than he was, but he really is getting worse and I feel sick with worry.


I give him Supplements of magnesium, calcium, Zinc I also give him flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil - should i be giving him anything else?


The thing that breaks my heart the most is I have two boys and I feel I treat them differently, which I really hate! my other boy i allow to have late nights but Lucas I panic that his tics get worse if he is tired...I so need help because I am so not sure where to go next...


Lukes background is that he was born at 26 weeks, so that could have something to do with why he tics????


His tics mainly started with eye blinking, now he still blinks hard, rubs his chin on his shoulder, sort of twists his arms together, does a few mouth twitches and lifts one leg up..


Please give me some advise I love him so much..




Julie and Lucas - 8 years old (Born at 26 weeks)


We tried the GAPS diet(gut and psychology syndrome) designed by Dr Natasha Campbell Mcbride. It is comprehensive. It is healing the gut which in turn heals the immune, allergies, etc. My son has just stopped tics after 6 years. We started this process Nov 11. Lots of home fermented foods etc. Really worth it. Here are the guides we used.








Hi Jules


I would take a look at what was in that bread as that may give clues as to why it was such a tic trigger....ie some things say "sugar free" and then have added sucralose eg Splenda which, for some kids with neuro and/or digestive problems, is a big no-no

There may also have been other ingredients that are not good for him, so it would be helpful if you could list the ingredients.



Candida can be a major tic trigger, so it is worth eradicating but remember that candida is not a true "yeast"...it is a fungus that occurs naturally in the gut but when conditions are favorable for it to overgrow, it does, and causes many health problems, including tic increases


When you said your child had blood tests for strep....what exactly did they test? Has your son had strep infections ?

Have you had evaluations done for possible Tourette Syndrome?


I know it is hard to see a child going through this but I do want to urge you to try not to allow your son to see you this upset...that only makes things worse for him


Thank you all for your replies...I may look into the gap diet, but will see the candida diet through 1st for a bit longer I think. I really do try not let Lucas see me upset, more than anything I want him to not feel different, he is the most awesome little boy with the greatest personality..he never gets angy, only when he has to go to bed like any other child, but is fine after he has had his moan lol


I did check the ingredients on the bread that i got and it had nothing that he couldn't have, the only thing i could think that it was was the yeast..but then i could still be barking up the wrong tree...all i can go on is he does have quite a white coated tongue so I think it really could be yeast..


I need to find out more about panda's, i guess i ruled it out when the test came back negative..there are so many things it could be, all i want obviously is it to be something I can control...If I gave up on the searching I would feel that I have failed Lucas on some level..i could never do that, so I will carry on and carry on until I find what it is that triggers his tics off.


I started him back on the pro-biotics today, the only reason i really didn't give it to him the last 2 days was the local chemist had run out! county towns for you!..


Thanx again every bit of advise is helpful


Jules and Lucas

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