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Hi, my name is Tia, and I am new here. My 5-yr-old daughter, Maya, was diagnosed with TS this Jan. Having done some research and known the side effects of neural medicines, one week after she was diagnosed, we went directly to seek help from a Chinese medicine practitioner. Maya has taken Chinese medicine for almost 5 months and done acupuncture treatment for about 10 times. Her symptoms got improved, and no more new tics showed for about 3 weeks. But this morning right after she fell off the bed and bumped her nose(place between the eyes) on the edge of the side table, she started to squeeze or wrinkle her nose hard, so hard that her face looked twisted. I felt heartbroken and nervous when seeing her doing so. But at the same time, her tears stopped very soon so I didn't think the bump would be serious. She said her nose felt hurt. I used ice pack to ice her nose once, and in school her teacher iced her twice. When I picked her up this afternoon, she was still squeezed her nose, though not as hard as she did in the morning. However, she is still squeezing her nose right now, and when I asked her why she did it, she said she just felt like doing so. Is it possibly a new tic? Is it possible that it is just caused by the pain from the bump this morning? I was so anxious and scared this whole day, afraid that it would develop into a new tic, or was a new tic already. Anyone can talk to me and give me some advice?


ps: thanks for reading my post, and please bear with my English cause English is not my first language.


Hi Tia

it does seem that many times tics will increase in irritated areas so yes, this may be a tic....but it also may be her natural ie non-tic related reaction to the injury


I don't want to discourage you, but as the mother of a (now adult) son with TS, I can say from experience that, although yes, there are many things that can help to reduce the frequency and intensity of TS tics, yet there is no known "cure" yet and so it really will be very stressful for you and your child if you focus too intently on every tic that may emerge. It is well known that drawing attention to a tic actually intensifies it!


Just keep doing what you know is helpful, but also try to not over react when she does have a tic. I know it is hard, but honestly, it is also counter productive.


My son has always felt that acupuncture has been one of the most beneficial treatments for his tics :)


all the best to you


Hi Tia

it does seem that many times tics will increase in irritated areas so yes, this may be a tic....but it also may be her natural ie non-tic related reaction to the injury


I don't want to discourage you, but as the mother of a (now adult) son with TS, I can say from experience that, although yes, there are many things that can help to reduce the frequency and intensity of TS tics, yet there is no known "cure" yet and so it really will be very stressful for you and your child if you focus too intently on every tic that may emerge. It is well known that drawing attention to a tic actually intensifies it!


Just keep doing what you know is helpful, but also try to not over react when she does have a tic. I know it is hard, but honestly, it is also counter productive.


My son has always felt that acupuncture has been one of the most beneficial treatments for his tics :)


all the best to you


Thanks, Chemar

Maya is not wrinkling her nose as hard as the first day. I think I should be able to rule out the possibility of a new tic...hopefully.



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