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Is this typically common with PANDAS children? I remember it was one of DD's most significant symptoms. The reason I ask is when I was just looking on PRN, it doesn't mention sensory issues.

My DD always thought she was doing and touching things too hard. And she had the desire to scratch.


My husbands neice has been having some issues lately which really aren't clear cut PANDAS, but I'm wondering if I should mention to get her tested. She mentioned before that she started having issues at age 4. She does occupational therapy. She always has to touch things and people and always picks up kids younger than her. She has an oral fixation, where she always wants things in her mouth.


The past week or so in school, she has been crying frequently and says she doesn't know why. ( She just turned 7). And they put on on a GF diet and they say her behavior was better for a while. And her handwriting got better.


They are calling it PTSD from a heart surgery she had when she was almost 3....

I don't know what to think of it. I feel like I relate everything to PANDAS now :)


Does this sound like it could be pandas?


I think its common. My DS had lots of sensory issues. SPD was his first diagnosis when all this started and we didn't know about PANDAS. Its mostly gone away now w/ treatment.


Yes, sensory issues here, as well, especially early in the PANDAS process. Sensitive hearing. Very picky about clothing . . . "soft" fabrics only need apply, would wear only one brand/make of socks and one pair of shoes, no zippers (except on outerwear). It seemed to come with the territory.


Much of this has resolved with improving health. Speaking/hearing volume is the stickler for now, it appears. <_<


Hi - both my dd and ds had a lot of sensory stuff with exacerbations when younger. Doesn't seem to be a big part of the picture now for either but dd especially was down to 4 or so items of clothing, no socks, only sandals etc. Hairbrushing and bathing were a very difficult issue at times too. For ds it has more centered on vestibular insecurites and only a little tactile defensiveness... definitely came hand in hand with PANDAS.


Swedo's 1998 study noted sensory issues during flares and so have most other articles. Here is some information on it for OTs http://pandasnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/PANDAS-OT-Article.pdf



.. and there is a study going on for parents and teachers to fill out a survey about kid's sensory processing during exacerbation - go to https://www.sphhp.buffalo.edu/rs click on the PANDAS study box and find the study on sensory processing.


I also don't think it hurts to suggest that your niece get tested for several basic infections: strep, mycoP, viruses, and maybe lyme (although they might want to wait on the lyme until later.) It could be PTSD, but the only way to know (fairly certainly, although not 100%) that it's not infection triggered, is to do lab work. PTSD is a rule-out diagnosis...you have to rule everything else out first, and too often doctors don't do the rule-out's before diagnosis with psych disorders. Especially since your child has PANDAS, you already know that it may run in the family.


Is this typically common with PANDAS children? I remember it was one of DD's most significant symptoms. The reason I ask is when I was just looking on PRN, it doesn't mention sensory issues.

My DD always thought she was doing and touching things too hard. And she had the desire to scratch.




Whenever DS is sitting still and especially when he is tired, he runs his fingernails all over his body. This always baffled me and I was never sure what significance it had, other than being unusual and something that he'd never done before. He can't really explain why he does it, other than 'it feels nice'.


He runs his nails hsrd enough to leave a trail but not a scratch or broken skin. The white line can take several minutes to fade - I've read about Sergents White Line Test and adrenal fatigue. Anyone else seen anything like this?

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