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It's been suggested to us to run Shoemaker testing on son. Anyone run the C3, C4, and HLRA testing he proposes? Done the treatment? Just curious before we go down that trail.


We did this testing. C3a was elevated in one, C4a elevated in the other. One had an HLA-DR that was sensitive to mold but not lyme (he's the one who has trouble with herxing). Some of the other Shoemaker markers were elevated, others were fine. So things pointed to "he'll struggle if you have a mold problem, but the inflammation could be from current mold or from lyme).


We didn't have obvious mold and didn't have the funds to do ERMI testing or mold inspections. So we did small steps - hauled 6 loads of basement junk to the dump, replaced two 10 yr old carpets that had pet and plant stains (the one that had stains from an over-watered plant was really bad under the padding - the leached soil stain gave lots of food for mold). I found mold all over the outer plastic drum of my washer - when I cleaned that, our chronic coughs disappeared. We found a leak in our roof where a bathroom exhaust pipe vented out to the outside and water had seeped in and gotten some insulation wet. So while we didn't have a super big problem, we had small issues throughout the house. It wasn't "the" thing keeping DS sick, but it was one more hurdle and it helped to do the cleaning/replacing. Mostly with brain fog and chronic cough.


We did step up detox for awhile. He took 30 pills of chlorella for about 2 months, on top of his other 15 pills. But it got to be too much and I didn't see any huge benefit and it was shortly after the Japanese nuclear meltdown, so I was concerned about what might be in the chlorella, which comes from the seas between Japan and China. We switched to activated charcoal as needed and a year later, we do very little detox.


However, I understand that others have had different experiences and found mold to be a big contributor. For my son, pyroluria was his biggie (plus lyme and Pandas) and for my daughter, it was MTHFR methylation. So I think it's highly individual.

Posted (edited)

Dr. did some of the mold tests. She did the C3a, C4a, HLA, VIP, MSH, TGF-b1 and some others of her choice.


Since ds's first visit of ART muscle testing, she has indicated a high 'mold' level. C3a was in normal range, C4a was almost past normal range (she thought this had been higher before detoxing started big time). Did the HLA twice and it was exactly the same indicating "low msh" and "post lyme" and a 'type' that "will not heal with abx" per Dr. S. Apparently, these are areas he has a difficult time detoxing. There was one of his numbers in the 'mold' section but not sure what that means. After 18 months of treatment for lots of different things, and getting the mold count down in our house (not to 2 yet) ds is not testing for mold but is still needing lots of detoxing. Also, when a deep nasal culture was done while doing T&A dr. had them test for mold in sinuses of which there was no indicators.


Dh had the TGF-b1 (high inflammation) test done by the same dr. and it was higher than they had every seen (40,000) so he is detoxing big time (he also has been the one removing mold in our house periodically for the last 12 years). If you read thru some of my prior posts, you can see that we are still trying to get mold numbers down in our house (2 or less) to make sure that ds can get better. Our most recent ERMI #8 (1st one was 13.7) which doctor said was not too bad for those that are healthy but for those that are ill for a long time, the number needs to be 2 or lower. Getting rid of the mold exposure is one of the main things that has to be done to get healthy again per Dr. Shoemaker.


The first thing dr. had me do was order the book by Dr. Shoemaker "Surviving Mold" which was the best price on the website www.survivingmold.com


Just another part of the puzzle we are trying to fix so ds and dh can heal.

Edited by JuliaFaith

Had to reply again after reading the 2012 conference notes on Dr. S on www.Betterhealthguy.com site. His comments on all of this are paraphrased and very informative.


My ds's HLA is one that he says "patient will not get better until remediation of mold is done (less than ERMI '2')." My son has not had a 'normal feeling day' in over 2 years. So we are pursuing the mold issues until he gets/feels better and ERMI number is below 2.


All the members of my family are treated by him. He has saved us from financial devastation and debilatating health. I think the man is a genius.


I went from being bed-ridden with previouslyy misdiagnosed lyme, ms, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc, to now having very, very good health. I am working 50 hours a week and running ragged driving my kids to all their sports activities after work and on the weekends. I haven't felt this good in 15 years. I was blessed with being born with the "dreaded gene" that he talks about in his books (less than 1% of population). Because of my HLA type, I have had to follow his protocol very strictly and it has been my road to recovery. He also put my three children on the road to recovery and has got my husband almost back to 90% (can't convince him to follow the protocol as strictly as the rest of us)...also my husband is the one to clean and remove any mold when we find it lurking in our home, so he gets re-exposed over and over again. We now live in a home with an ERMI around a 1. It has been a long road for us. If more than one member of your family is chronically ill....look to your environment as a cause. I would recommend you get tested. It couldn't hurt to do an ERMI in your home as well. You can also do some inexpensive pre-screening on his website via a questionairre and a VCS Aptitude test. I think it costs around $30 and it could set your mind at ease about whether further testing is warranted.


Feel free to PM me anytime if you have specific questions.

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