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We had all necessary testing done and currently awaiting to hear back from Dr. T. Does anyone know of any SAFE, natural remedies to give children to relieve some of the OCD symtpoms? Thanks again for this forum.....this has truly been a god send!!


Some people find that inositol can help (a natural serotonin-increaser), but it is not instantaneous. The typical advice is to start low and titer up slowly. You might search for the topic "inositol" and see what sorts of doses are being used and recommended.


Inositol didn't seem to do much for my DS15 (maybe I never got the dose high enough), but n-acetylceisteine (NAC) does seem to help. It's an amino acid that helps modulate glutamate and has been tested by the NIMH in trials with both kids and adults for helping treat OCD. It's another one you need to start low and slowly increase dosage or otherwise it might cause some intestinal distress. If you Google "NAC and OCD," you should get a link with the NIMH/Yale trial for kids, and there's dosage information there (my DS15 is adult-sized, so he's taking the adult dose).


For general anxiety, valerian root can help, as can melatonin at night to encourage sleep rather than obsessing over things that can make sleeep difficult.


Good luck!


I agree on Inositol being the "safest' but yes, one has to start slow and low and gradually reach optimum


When my son's OCD was at its worst, and he had extremely severe side effects from SSRIs, the doctor suggested 5HTP and it really was remarkable

But it is not for longterm use

some people prefer the L-tryptophan version


I agree on Inositol being the "safest' but yes, one has to start slow and low and gradually reach optimum


When my son's OCD was at its worst, and he had extremely severe side effects from SSRIs, the doctor suggested 5HTP and it really was remarkable

But it is not for longterm use

some people prefer the L-tryptophan version


Please excuse my ignorance, but I am confused. Will the OCD symptoms still be an issue, even after antibiotic treatment? Our DD5 just started Augmentin today and takes a total of 800 mg daily for 10 days. Alot of her symptoms got better before starting the antibiotics, but we are still dealing with the OCD stuff :( I sent the doctor an email addressing my questions, as hubby spoke to him during the phone consult and didn't think to ask these things. Can anyone chime in??



this is the OCD forum and most people who have OCD are not on antibiotics as they have OCD due to serotonin imbalance, not infection induced.....

If this is PANDAS or Lyme related OCD, it may be best to post your question on those forums here, as those members would be best to help you, with better understanding of the OCD related to those infections.

You asked hereabout safe natural remedies to give a child for OCD, and were answered that the Inositol is usually the one that is recommended

The others that I mentioned are ones that have been used success by other people who have OCD caused by the serotonin deficiency

As always, it is highly recommended that you consult with a doctor before giving any supplements to a child

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