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Hi Everyone,


Just joined this forum and hope somebody can help us. We have a 9 yr old boy who is displaying alot of the "known" symptoms associated with PANDAS. We live in Ireland and are having difficulty getting anybody in the Medical Community to recognise this illness. All they want to do is pidgeonhole him in the "Tourettes Syndrome" category.


Over the past couple of years we have been able to correlate bouts of Strep Infection with extreme tics and behavour/anxiety issues.


We would like to speak to other parents in the same position and to share knowledge, treatments etc. We would also be interested in knowing if there are Doctors in the UK (inc. Northern Ireland) who specialise and treat children with PANDAS.


Thank You



Posted (edited)

Hi and welcome...sorry you find yourself here.


There's a current thread by London that you should check out if you haven't already. The link there to the 'Saving Sammy' site would also be worth checking out for a list of UK doctors.


The Biomed/DAN!(Defeat Autism Now!) doctors are definately worth trying, and integrative doctors generally are more likely to have some handle on this. You may have to shop around until you find someone who can help. You could also consider doing a phone consult with one of the PANDAS specialists in the USA (See the helpful pinned threads - you'll find lots of good info there!)


Over the last few years there have been posters in the UK looking for help here but they don't seem to come back and pass on helpful info - it would be great if you would let us know how you get on. Good luck!


- Edit for pesky typos!

Edited by Ozimum

What timing! Beth maloney just sent out an e-mail blast including celebrating the first overseas pandas support group! Contact Suzanne Ayres, facilitator, Oxford, England, suzanne.ayres@yahoo.co.uk.

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