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We just heard from a nurse in Dr Murphys office that DS is positive for recent Myco P and EBV. So.... what does this mean? We don't have a follow-up for 5 weeks! They spoke to my husband and he didn't think to ask --"What now?" DH didn't sleep well last night it's not like him to miss an important question and now the office is closed.


DS is currently on 4000mg Augmentin a day (He is 15 year old, 5'11" and 150 lbs). This is the wrong abx now right? If it is a "recent" infection and not a current infection what the heck does that mean? If it is not a current infection does that mean he doesn't need antibiotics? The nurse also mentioned that Dr Murphy thinks his allergies are a major problem...huh?


We actually have an appointment with an immunologist this Friday in St Pete so maybe she can tell us what is going on?


Sorry, I have so little information. I'm feeling a little -- no, A LOT -- frustrated. Can anyone give me an idea of what is going on?


i have not used this dr but have heard good things

This is the hard part....waiting.

waiting for appointments..for the dr to call back..for the thing you are using to finally kick in.

It's 7pmish....just hold through the night and call in the am, tell them what your dd is on and aski if you are supposed to hold the course with current abx until the next visit, if it this the right one and correct dosage,with the current labs


on a personal level i am very interested to hear what she means about the allergies being a major problem!!!

ds would always get an episode in the spring.

and since this episode 3yrs ago...spring is terrible for him!!!!


Here's an article that discusses treatment for mycoplasma http://www.morgellons-uk.net/?p=467


If he is positive for EBV, antibiotics will not do the trick, as EBV is a virus. A few on the lyme forum have battled EBV and used various anti-virals. The one that worked for my daughter was l-lysine - an over the counter essential amino acid supplement from the health food store. You can google l-lysine+EBV for some research. Just be aware that l-lysine can lower seratonin over time, so if you see an increase in anxiety, you may need to also add something like tryptophan of 5-htp for a time. But EBV can go dormant and cause multiple health problems later in life, so it's not something to just "ride out". EBV is the parent virus of mono. You'll want to be on some sort of anti-viral.


If he is positive for recent infection and it has not yet been treated, I'd assume it's a current, active infection. Bear in mind both infections are contagious. (EBV is spread thru saliva). So getting your son a separate tube of toothpaste, a new toothbrush kept away from everyone else's - would be good ideas. If anyone else in the house has a cough or symptoms of either infection, testing/treatment for them should be a consideration as well.

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