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I have waited 3 months to see how this has helped us. I am now ready to report. Keep in mind that we are also getting treating with abx cocktails from LLMD, the boys have had IVIG and PEX (1 PEX and 7 or so IVIGs in the past), and are also getting chiropractics every few weeks. Addtiionally, we are also seeing a holistic chiropractor who tests with applied kinesiology (muscle testing, basically) for nutritional supplements.


In January, DS16 and I met some people who were swearing by accupuncture. So, I decided that we would try it out, since I have also been fighting mycoplasma pneumonia for 4 years. DS wanted me to try it first, so I did...for 3 weeks, before telling him that I thought he should definitely try it, too. Within 2 weeks, I felt like there was a lump that was separating from my chest wall (that's the best I can describe it), and disappating (I know the spelling's off) throughout my body. Since then, my cough is completely gone, I am breathing normally, and I honestly feel 100% (with my lungs.)


DS started about 5 weeks ago, and although he says he doesn't feel any better, it appears to me as if he's not getting as sick or as sick as long since starting. I may give it a break next week, but the doc's been working extremely hard on my DS's immune system. It's kind of a hard decision, because I think I'm done for now with him, and DS isn't crazy about going, but I don't want to lose the ground we've gained.


So, that's my update.


Glad to hear about improvements. Are all accupuncturists capable of addressing immune disregulation, or if not what type do you see? Thanks



They should be, but some are bettter than others. I actually picked ours out of the yellow pages, but found a Chinese accupuncturist with 30 years experience.

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