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HI all,

Did anyone have an experience where a operation or surgery trigger symptoms or increased symptoms? When my son was 16 months he started showing a few signs of autism. He became more anxious and toe walked. Then it was chronic sinus and ear infections. 5 months after that we got ear tubes put in. The following day he was EXTREMELY anxious....not just for a few days, weeks, but now onto a year later. He also lost speech following that. Became more aggressive, and more ocd. HE has also been diagnosed with PANDAS. I am trying ot figure out if operations triggered autism and/or pandas symptoms. And what it may lead us to, with whats going on with his immune system, genetics.


He also go this T&A removed, and even though on Antibiotics still had a severe pandas flare post op. Of course his sisters had strep that week.


I'm interested to hear if any others have experience anything similar to this.


Did your son receive Nitrous oxide during the surgery for induction?

Nitrous oxide is contraindicated in kids with autism as it can cause a regression. I believe it has to do with MTHFR mutation and depletion of B12 but honestly my brain is fried within the past 2 weeks of learning my son has PANDAS. I just know I had all the research papers for hte oral surgeon that took out my daughter's 8 baby teeth. She has similar genes and I wasn't willing to risk it even though my daughter is neurotypical. The surgeon said he was aware of all the research and he had no problem giving her sevoflurane for induction instead.


Here is something I found with a quick search. You can look for more.

Read about the potential adverse effect of nitrous oxide on ASD children with the MTHFR gene deletion and/or deficiency of Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin).


"Severe Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Deficiency, Methionine Synthase, and Nitrous Oxide — A Cautionary Tale" by Richard W. Erbe, M.D., and Robbert J. Salis, M.D., New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 349:5-6 July 3, 2003 Number 1.


"Adverse Effect of Nitrous Oxide in a Child with 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Deficiency" by Rebecca R. Selzer, Ph.D., David S. Rosenblatt, M.D., Renata Laxova, M.D., and Kirk Hogan, M.D., J.D., New England Journal of Medicine, 349;1, July 3, 2003.


A letter in Arch Dis Child 2001;85:510 (December) from Isabel Smith, Clinical Audit Department, Great Ormond Street Hospital in London states: "Nitrous oxide inactivates cobalamin, the active derivative of vitamin B12 and essential cofactor for the transfer of the methyl group from methyltetrahydrofolate to homocysteine to form methionine. For subjects with good body stores of cobalamin this effect is unimportant, but no-one using this agent should remain unaware of the potentially devastating complications in the nervous system of using nitrous oxide in subjects who are of borderline or deficient vitamin B12 status. Onset of subacute combined degeneration affecting the brain and spinal cord is a well documented event when individuals with low body stores of cobalamin are exposed to nitrous oxide."

Posted (edited)



Or is it and I just did not know? I thought nitrous oxide was fairly safe.


eye opening. and frightening.


Edited by PowPow

I don't think the causes of Autism are known yet. I would doubt that 1 procedure alone did it.



I think that there's more of a chance that the operation probably caused release of toxins, and that caused the flareup.


Are you seeing a PANDAS specialist?


Also, I didn't know about the nitrous oxide, either. That is very interesting. And, now that I know that DS19 has the MTHFR gene mutation, I'll have to make sure he knows, as well. It would have been nice to know that prior to last month when he had his wisdom teeth removed! Luckily, he didn't have a huge flare.


I don't think the causes of Autism are known yet. I would doubt that 1 procedure alone did it.


I know it didn't start the process. He was showing signs well before this. But this set him back months. From losing speech, to anxiety, to rages.


We are seeing a Pandas specialist. We have gone to see Dr.K in Chicago and a phone consult with Dr.T. We are still waiting for the lab results from Dr.Ts order.


When he got his T&A removal in Decemeber he was covered for a week pre and a week post op with abx but it didn't help any. Or maybe it helped from the infections stand point but not so much for the oxide because he still had a major flare post op. But I think i mentioned his sisters had pos. Cultures a few days post op.


I have wondered about the mthfr mutation. He gets mb12 injections. B12 has always been in my suspicions. Once lab work is back from Dr.T we will also be going to a new bio Dr. With lab work in hand.

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