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Hi, I am at low point and need help understanding the differences of a child infected by a tick bite and one " born" with lyme. are there differences???



Do kids with Lyme "triggered" PANS get better? does it end for kids born with this? (the lyme disease i mean)


Anyone on here wanna help me feel like there is "light at the end of the tunnel? "


thanks for any input, as I feel I am on a ledge today.

Posted (edited)

There is light...


I have three children with congenital Lyme and a whole host of symptoms previously that were inclusive of aneurysms, OCD, rage behavior, severely deficient immune system and potential ASD diagnoses with just one child. Our oldest had a sudden on-set of PANDAS like symptoms after strep related illness. I have been treating the oldest for PANDAS (1 year) and Lyme (1 1/2 years) and he is currently in full remission of PANDAS like symptoms. We are currently watching for any flair's, provoking with herbals and rerunning a ton of blood work to ensure we can safely take him off antibiotics. It has been a long, exhausting battle with plenty of herx's under our belt but well worth the battle. We found a home with two integrative LLMDs that LOOKED at everything from viruses, environmental toxins, gut issues, allergies, vitamin/mineral deficiencies and infections while treating both with herbals and antibiotics.


If you haven't found a Dr. that understand the PANDAS/Lyme connection yet I would highly recommend pursuing one. There is an LLMD in SoCal that many from the forum have been working with successfully. I am not sure how integrative he is but happy to pass along his information privately and individuals seeing him for their perspective. There is also Dr Tod Thoring who is in Arroyo Grande, CA. who is well respected Lyme practitioner and NP that is highly regarded by our LLMD in northern CA. I do not know of anyone currently seeing Dr. Thoring. AND, of course there is always traveling to northern CA. Our LLMD has a pediatric population of about 150 children and sees many with PANDAS like presentation. He has treated many, many, many families confronted with congenital Lyme. I am also happy to pass his information along privately.


Wishing you all the best as you move forward with treatment. Wendy

Edited by SF Mom

Hello, I have two with congential lyme. They have what I believe was lyme triggered pandas or pans too. My 9 yr old, I would not say is in remission but is doing much better and my 10 year old was doing great and close to remission but is currently in a downward slide. Someone here suggested to me it could be from her teeth loss/growth. Her pain is completely gone and really the only remaining symptoms are sensivity to light, anxiety and some triggered emotional liability. Overall she is much better too.


I expect it will continue to get even better as we work with our wellness doctor (detox, deseret lyme series, candida support, gut support, and other supplements specific for each of us)



Posted (edited)

Thanks Suzan. I am happy to hear positive outcomes on kids w/ congenital lyme.


It's a slow and steady race I hear, and I must learn to hunker down for the long haul.


it's hard when your kid is so sick and you're desperate for them to get better fast.



Edited by socalmom


it's hard when your kid is so sick and you're desperate for them to get better fast.



I totally agree! When I started all this almost 2 years ago, it was so hard to hear it was not an easy fix. I mean, you finally figure out what is probably the underlying cause and you can't just fix it?! But the gains we've made have been so worth it. It's good to go back and remember what it was like back then, to see how far you've come.


I hope you feel better soon and feel like you have some hope for your child. You have great support here and if you keep on keeping on, there really is light at the end of that tunnel!



Posted (edited)

Thanks Suzan. I am happy to hear positive outcomes on kids w/ congenital lyme.


It's a slow and steady race I hear, and I must learn to hunker down for the long haul.


it's hard when your kid is so sick and you're desperate for them to get better fast.




I agree but a skilled practitioner will advise and help you to prioritize the symptoms you want to address first along with simultaneously working on opening the healing channels in the body. Believe me the symptoms can be eliminated relatively fast if your practitioner can identify which organ system needs attention first, address that aggressively along with keeping a good overall balance with meds, nutrition and stress management. An integrative approach seems to be the one that has helped many families in my experience. The biggest hindrance in all this is the immense cost factor involved and most of us find we need to go slow and budget things out. I do know of patients for whom cost is not a factor and they have been able to beat this thing in a year or so.


My 10 year old is free of all lyme, PANDAS and Asperger symptoms right now after 2 years of aggressive integrative treatment. he did have congenital/gestational lyme, bartonella, babesia microti, babesia duncani, mycoplasma, HHV6, Strep, PANDAS, immune deficiency and was presenting with Aspergers, slow growth and language delay. ALL of these are gone right now. We are on a maintenance program currently and are looking into heavy metals and a little bit of left over KPU issues. He is testing completely negative via numerous comprehensive blood tests and energetically with ART. Even his seasonal allergies this year are very minimal as his autoimmunity has died down so much.


DS now reacts to exposure to strep, myco etc like any normal kid would, we use abx and we're done. He is growing , has an appetite, is focused, has friends and even spoke to a room full of people at a recent Dr Klinghardt conference in Manhattan about his journey to health, his docs, his procedures. The mothers in the audience were greatly encouraged as many approached us with their personal stories.


I have all of these infections and more. I passed some on to DH too (been married 20 years so he has a pretty heavy load too). We are all doing very well by God's grace and an aggressive integrative approach.


So you don't have to wait to see improvements. If you're able to find a great doc, along with a strong desire to attack the infections aggressively from all angles, you will see some immediate results. The hunkering down is a fact for most of us since complete remission can be a slow process as things have to done in the right order. Eliminate one or two symptoms and then slowly work on building up the immune system, cleaning out the body of numerous exo and endotoxins, reeducate the immune system to understand healthy tissue, and nutritionally nourish the body. Children are miracles of healing and their bodies want to heal if given the right tools in my experience.


Wishing you the VERY best!

Edited by sptcmom

Hi, I am at low point and need help understanding the differences of a child infected by a tick bite and one " born" with lyme. are there differences???





This is what I've learned from my mentors and my own study-

Kids with Gestational Lyme are born with immune system errors. Their bodies donot recognize Lyme, coinfections and anything else transferred thru mom as foreign. As a result the endotoxins /biotoxins produced by these microbes which also contain the signature oscillations (DNA) of the microbes themselves is also not recognized as foreign.Breastfeeding /nursing is also a similar mechanism of transfer of material. Now what happens is when these kids come in contact with other toxins- strep, pesticides, oxalates etc that are very similar in molecular structure to the microbes already welcome in their bodies, --- their immune system steps out of the way..... and their little bodies accumulate these additional toxins. This is the genetic plus epigenetic issues we see in our kids with gestational Lyme and post lyme acquired PANs. PANS in my DS's case and many cases gets recognized first due to its dramatic onset and progress.


On top of that gestational Lyme and Co kids can have several genetic polymorphisms or defects for Liver and other detox pathways. This is because if the mom's detox pathways are compromised due to lyme and Co, so will the childs from that half of the genetic material. Many moms pass the infection to dads as an STD (still controversial and being researched). So if dad's detox mechanisms are compromised too then the child is getting a real bad deal.


I have seen this to be true for myself (I have gestational lyme, PANs) and for my DS and my DH. Also for many families in my practice.


Kids without gestational Lyme and a tick bite later on in life , if no other diagnosis is present, they fare better. Kids with existing neuro/psych diagnosis like ASD etc are another story. So it depends on the clinical presentation.


Hope this helps to explain the differences.


Hi, I am at low point and need help understanding the differences of a child infected by a tick bite and one " born" with lyme. are there differences???





This is what I've learned from my mentors and my own study-

Kids with Gestational Lyme are born with immune system errors. Their bodies donot recognize Lyme, coinfections and anything else transferred thru mom as foreign. As a result the endotoxins /biotoxins produced by these microbes which also contain the signature oscillations (DNA) of the microbes themselves is also not recognized as foreign.Breastfeeding /nursing is also a similar mechanism of transfer of material. Now what happens is when these kids come in contact with other toxins- strep, pesticides, oxalates etc that are very similar in molecular structure to the microbes already welcome in their bodies, --- their immune system steps out of the way..... and their little bodies accumulate these additional toxins. This is the genetic plus epigenetic issues we see in our kids with gestational Lyme and post lyme acquired PANs. PANS in my DS's case and many cases gets recognized first due to its dramatic onset and progress.


On top of that gestational Lyme and Co kids can have several genetic polymorphisms or defects for Liver and other detox pathways. This is because if the mom's detox pathways are compromised due to lyme and Co, so will the childs from that half of the genetic material. Many moms pass the infection to dads as an STD (still controversial and being researched). So if dad's detox mechanisms are compromised too then the child is getting a real bad deal.


I have seen this to be true for myself (I have gestational lyme, PANs) and for my DS and my DH. Also for many families in my practice.


Kids without gestational Lyme and a tick bite later on in life , if no other diagnosis is present, they fare better. Kids with existing neuro/psych diagnosis like ASD etc are another story. So it depends on the clinical presentation.


Hope this helps to explain the differences.

Posted (edited)



What a thorough and well written response to my question. Thank you.


I wish my brain worked better as all the str

ess/illness in the last 3 months has taken a toll on my brain and body.

Edited by socalmom

- their immune system steps out of the way..... and their little bodies accumulate these additional toxins. This is the genetic plus epigenetic issues we see in our kids with gestational Lyme and post lyme acquired PANs. PANS in my DS's case and many cases gets recognized first due to its dramatic onset and progress.



So it's not just the " faulty" genes they are born with but what these " faulty" genes cause in the process that is a problem?


- their immune system steps out of the way..... and their little bodies accumulate these additional toxins. This is the genetic plus epigenetic issues we see in our kids with gestational Lyme and post lyme acquired PANs. PANS in my DS's case and many cases gets recognized first due to its dramatic onset and progress.



So it's not just the " faulty" genes they are born with but what these " faulty" genes cause in the process that is a problem?


yes, exactly. from what Ive learned and experienced, each child can have different triggers. For my DS it was the DTaP vaccine for example. Epigenetics, environmental influences are also big players in the game. Additionally, microbial exo and endo toxins are capable of turning genes on and off at their most virulent and can attach themselves to ones DNA. Energetic testing detects a change in the individuals signature oscillations. Any genetic psychological traumas, unresolved familial conflicts seem to play a very key role. Once autoimmunity creeps in then emotional rebalancing is the most powerful tool in my arsenal for my patients as a midpoint of their treatment.


At this level of intracellular toxicity, I would do a homeopathic Sarcode challenge during ART to see if the cells resonate at any healthy frequencies. Custom remedies can be created for children who are severe by imprinting these defective frequencies onto the remedies they test for during ART.


I had to do so for my DS. I had to imprint his toxic frequencies arising from intracellular embedded thimerosol from DTaP and amalgam mercury (from my amalgams) onto his remedies I was using for helping the Basal ganglia in his brain recover from PANDAS. That achieved excellent results for DS and finally ended our PANDAS struggles. I did test to make sure that his BBB was closed with all the prior treatments before starting to heal the basal ganglia.


I had thought I might have to use GcMAF but I didn't have to. Its still sitting in my freezer. I will use it for myself when Im ready instead.

Posted (edited)

sptcmom, wow, you really have a handle on this!


I am so new to all of it I hope I can learn this as I go, sometimes I feel like I am " cramming for finals"



Thank you for sharing your son's story/info.



I am encouraged by your replies to my post.



Edited by socalmom

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