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Posted (edited)

My son might have pandas, he is getting tested this Friday to see if he is a carrier of strep, he has been off of meds etc


I got him tested today and the only thing that came back was dust.


The allergist was how should I say, demeaning and rude. I made the mistake of telling a narrow minded doctor that allergies can trigger tics, woops :)


I cleaned our house for 4 hours, washed all the wood blinds, sills, changed bedding to hypoallergenic , vacuumed air vents, am keeping sons air vent in his room shut now, dust mite pillow covers, dust mite mattress cover....


Any other suggestions ? Oh, air purifier is added now..in his room, took stuffed animals out etc


I suspected dust 3 weeks ago and have been making all these changes. He does a throat clearing vocal tic mainly before bed, at night. I have noticed a good enough change to document it.


He tics near the couch, dinner table, and his room really bad... I found dust pile ups under couch, on chandelier in dining room and obviously his "clean" room wasn't as clean as I thought !


We have wood floors in every room in our house


Any other ideas ? Do parents give children allergy meds for dust allergies ?


Just a side note my son has had pandas symptoms for 2.5 ys and just recently we found out about pandas. He was diagnosed 1 year ago with a tic disorder. He has motor and vocal tics. He tested positive for strep 4 weeks ago with no symptoms of strep. We are currently working with a good doctor, and dr.Kaplan, and we are going to see a new neurologist as I have now ditched his old primary doctor and old neurologist.

Edited by Helpmyson78


sounds like you have done all the right stuff :)


how typical of some doctors to discount anything they don't really know about! They can be soooooo arrogant!!


I would be cautious about taking any meds for the dustmite allergy as that could bring its own variable negative effects...there is a coating ointment (I forget the name now) that can be used to lessen the effect in the nostrils. Some people also use a little vaseline.


Butterbur is a herb that seems to be very helpful for allergies


Thanks !! I read the same thing about allergy meds. I am very sensitive to them as well......

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