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someone mentioned that doxy is ineffective if a person has had lyme for a long time. i am going to check it out with my child LLMD.

if it is true...I am thinking about going with a chiroprator here in town that treats a lot of friends of mine for various things. any advice or tips before i go..../???


I have never heard that, typically Doxy is the first line antibiotic, however it does need to be given at the correct dosage (high enough)

and it is not given to children under 12. Given to adults for treating Lyme, it is typically given with another antibiotic.

No offense, but I don't think a chiropractor will have a clue-


I agree that the llmd is better but a chiro can help in other ways that can help the immune system. They do give doxy to kids now according to my llmd. He gave it to my daughter and told me that tetracycline is the one that stains teeth. The alternative to dozy is usually amoxicillin.


I agree that the llmd is better but a chiro can help in other ways that can help the immune system. They do give doxy to kids now according to my llmd. He gave it to my daughter and told me that tetracycline is the one that stains teeth. The alternative to dozy is usually amoxicillin.


Huh. I did not know that. I would have preferred my daughter to start on Doxy.


I agree that the llmd is better but a chiro can help in other ways that can help the immune system. They do give doxy to kids now according to my llmd. He gave it to my daughter and told me that tetracycline is the one that stains teeth. The alternative to dozy is usually amoxicillin.


Huh. I did not know that. I would have preferred my daughter to start on Doxy.


Our LLMD says that anyone with chronic lyme will need a form of cyst busting antibitocs in order to get fully better. Not that the Doxy won't work, just that it will need to be augmented at some point with other antibiotics that can break up the cysts - usually these are "pulsed" a few weeks on and a few off.


I've had lyme since I was a child I believe. I was helped quite a lot with doxy. My girls did not use doxy as our LLMD said they were too young (8 and 9 at the time). I have now stopped doxy however and am going down a naturals path after 1.5 years on abx.




Should proof read first! Lol

I meant "doxy"


LOL! I like foxy!


I took doxy with zithromax and flagyl. Before the doxy I took the same meds with amoxicillin.


Right now we are taking Deseret Biological Borrellia series therapy (homeopathy) and lots of detox methods. I see a chiroprator who does Zyto which reads your body and says what supplements are needed based on individual imbalances. He also uses kinesology (muscle testing).


I am finding the Deseret to be very powerful (too much at times) but it's doing a lot and I hoep it will get us near where we need to be.




If the Dessert is "too much at times" can you do lower dose?


I've heard others here say you can. I've chosen at this point to push through. I've had some pretty hard days but I seem to be able to work through it and only have a few days at a time that are really too much to handle.


I've had a few breakthroughs recently and had some days of feeling down right good. That is a welcome relief.



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