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I called up and spoke with the lady writer of that article. She was pleasant, and listened to me (to a point), and I think she may be willing to consider the possibility of multiple factors, BUT...


I think she has misinterpreted some of what Dr Sue Swedo wrote, and not being in the medical professions, she hasn't dug deeper. I also think that like many, she is somewhat fixated on the "group" aspects (in her mind, the conversion disorder, I think), rather than digging much more deeply, like Dr. Trifiletti is doing, into as many possible factors, as possible.


In what Dr. Swedo wrote, as replies to The Batavian's questions, Dr. Swedo wrote that she thinks a PANDAS epidemic is theoretically possible. This has been ignored by those who believe that's just not possible.


Dr. Swedo wrote that PANDAS can start AFTER puberty, and this also has been mostly ignored.


It may also be helpful to eventually learn what the similarities & differences are, according to Dr. T., between PANDAS & PANDAS-like conditions.


My website is about a condition that was also originally thought to be hysteria among females. It's not. My hubby and I each had it, over 10 years ago. But some docs still think it is hysteria, even as they watch some patients' faces turn blue, from hypoxia, verified by arterial blood gas testing.






The most revolting article I've ever seen...


I just watched the hour long interview of Dr. Metchler (Dr. CD/Conversion Disorder) with Dr. Minion (Dr. McVige), and guess who the interviewer was--the very lady who wrote that article! At least (the interviewer's questions were better than the article) she did ask some pointed questions that viewers sent in.


I'll post more of my impressions, after others have had a chance to share their impressions. I was yelling at my computer screen, at much of what was said by those 2. Scary and Unbelievable. Whew!






"Endless tests" in search of an as-yet undiscovered "cause" are pointless and delay healing?! Honestly?!?!


Translation: Doctors are gods. Their opinions are facts. Their judgments are absolute. You would do best not to question their authority.


What hypocrisy. What arrogance.


What a load of tripe! You're diagnosed with cancer by one doctor; do you not seek a second opinion and/or go for further testing? You're diagnosed with Crohn's; do you not seek a second opinion and/or go for further testing?


I'm feeling rather "postal" at the moment. :angry::ph34r:

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