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i dont know if im doing this right buthere we go.our son has tourette's plus he is 12 it started eye blinking having to cross fingers rolling eye's we were clueless.now his arm's will shake to the point that he slams his hands on table not all the time when he is at school he say's he can handle tic's but getting harder.his ocd is getting worse he was diagnoised 2 years ago doc says maybe genetic gets worse bring back for meds.


Hi and welcome


have you heard of PANDAS? it can mimic Tourette but is actually a different disorder, caused by strep?

here is more info for you to check http://www.pandasnetwork.org


Is there a family history of Tourette? If not, it really is worth checking into other possible causes, especially PANDAS

We have a Helpful Threads section at the top of this forum with lots of good information


hope that helps a bit

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