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Thinking back on my last post got me thinking. We are no longer vaccinating our children. Can my children's pedi refuse to see us because of this decision? If he does how do we go about finding a pedi who supports our decision? I know he is already not on board with DD and her PANDAS, so much to as he is putting in a referral for her aT CHB for a rheumatologist.


My fam doc has "fired" pts who refuse vaccinations.i am sure i can get by with no gardasil and we do not do chicken pox shot. If I refused much more, I might be put out. There are.no vax docs but you will need.to search long and hard for them depending where you live.


We have our specialist write a letter of exemption and that seems to be satisfactory to all (schools, peds., etc.) The religious exemption is handy for schools - I know several PANDAS parents who ust don't feel like dealing with the red tape so they go this route.


PA is similar with the exemptions. But what burns me up are the award plaques on their walls touting 90% vaccination compliance. It reminds me of that line by Demi Moore in a Few Good Men where she tells Tom Cruise she's sorry she lost his set of steak knives. That's what it's come down to for our children's medical decisions....a sticker chart from BCBS and all the Peds want their gold stars. :angry:


We just got fired from our ped as well. Never liked her anyway. Haven't "used" her since we discovered pandas. Wanted to put my dd on depakote rather than abx! We've been using Dr. B and getting by. But end of December my daughter's 6th grade physical came due and I held my breath and took dd just to get the darn form signed. First she rebuffed the whole pandas dx, even wrote on the form "parents self diagnosed condition called pandas" which was merely her pissiness coming out of her pours. Then wrote "parents refuse vaccines after my GRAVE concerns -- I WILL NOT approve exemption.". This written in a black sharpie and double circled on the form. My dh asked her to remove anecdotal commentary on form as it was a state form just certifying that an exam took place and verification of shots received to date. After many back and forth calls it finally ended with us telling her we do not want or need her exemption as we already had a religious exemption. With that, we have moved on. It is very scary how these dopes are trying not only to intimidate and bully parents who are only fighting for the welfare of their children, but trying to heal an already sick child. She tried to make us feel stupid. My suggestion would be to ask a homeopath for a pediatrician recommendation. They probably won't have a long list, but perhaps someone you can work with.

Posted (edited)
1327667050[/url]' post='130427']

We just got fired from our ped as well. Never liked her anyway. Haven't "used" her since we discovered pandas. Wanted to put my dd on depakote rather than abx! We've been using Dr. B and getting by. But end of December my daughter's 6th grade physical came due and I held my breath and took dd just to get the darn form signed. First she rebuffed the whole pandas dx, even wrote on the form "parents self diagnosed condition called pandas" which was merely her pissiness coming out of her pours. Then wrote "parents refuse vaccines after my GRAVE concerns -- I WILL NOT approve exemption.". This written in a black sharpie and double circled on the form. My dh asked her to remove anecdotal commentary on form as it was a state form just certifying that an exam took place and verification of shots received to date. After many back and forth calls it finally ended with us telling her we do not want or need her exemption as we already had a religious exemption. With that, we have moved on. It is very scary how these dopes are trying not only to intimidate and bully parents who are only fighting for the welfare of their children, but trying to heal an already sick child. She tried to make us feel stupid. My suggestion would be to ask a homeopath for a pediatrician recommendation. They probably won't have a long list, but perhaps someone you can work with.


This is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!Over what???.......meningitis for an 11 yo?

I had Dr B's letter regarding vaccines. Did you have that to show her? The Ped I just fired was only concerned when he could "catch dd12 up" on meningitis vaccine. I mean, really, if the primary role of a Ped is to administer vaccines "on schedule", who needs them and why do they even need to be doctors? There must be some kind of vaccine bonus they receive-MUST be!!!!!!

We switched to a family doc who is also a DAN. The whole family switched to him, luckily in network.

Edited by JAG10

I "calmly" tried to bring her up to speed with dd, gave her a lot of data, etc., in the hopes that she might be remotely interested in her or pandas. Not so. As I was explaining ivig to her she actually grabbed my dd's arm to look for puncture holes and warned of the dangers of ivig...AND the DANGER (shuddering now!!) of carrying a backpack over ONE shoulder!!! Ladies, add that to the top of your list of concerns. She also asked, "is she drinking her milk?!" . All the while frothing at the mouth over pumping (more like pimping) vaccines, vaccines, vaccines.


Milk? But wait - 80% of US antibiotics is consumed by livestock. Why wasn't your EX-pedi concerned about exposure to antibiotics and growth hormones? Make it chocolate milk and then you could be giving her mercury in the high fructose corn syrup.


Do you sometimes look back and wonder exactly when we stepped off the planet others still live on?

1327667050[/url]' post='130427']

We just got fired from our ped as well. Never liked her anyway. Haven't "used" her since we discovered pandas. Wanted to put my dd on depakote rather than abx! We've been using Dr. B and getting by. But end of December my daughter's 6th grade physical came due and I held my breath and took dd just to get the darn form signed. First she rebuffed the whole pandas dx, even wrote on the form "parents self diagnosed condition called pandas" which was merely her pissiness coming out of her pours. Then wrote "parents refuse vaccines after my GRAVE concerns -- I WILL NOT approve exemption.". This written in a black sharpie and double circled on the form. My dh asked her to remove anecdotal commentary on form as it was a state form just certifying that an exam took place and verification of shots received to date. After many back and forth calls it finally ended with us telling her we do not want or need her exemption as we already had a religious exemption. With that, we have moved on. It is very scary how these dopes are trying not only to intimidate and bully parents who are only fighting for the welfare of their children, but trying to heal an already sick child. She tried to make us feel stupid. My suggestion would be to ask a homeopath for a pediatrician recommendation. They probably won't have a long list, but perhaps someone you can work with.


This is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!Over what???.......meningitis for an 11 yo?

I had Dr B's letter regarding vaccines. Did you have that to show her? The Ped I just fired was only concerned when he could "catch dd12 up" on meningitis vaccine. I mean, really, if the primary role of a Ped is to administer vaccines "on schedule", who needs them and why do they even need to be doctors? There must be some kind of vaccine bonus they receive-MUST be!!!!!!

We switched to a family doc who is also a DAN. The whole family switched to him, luckily in network.

Jag- I'm glad to hear you like the fam doc - as you know we use him too. He is my angel right now! He sat with me for over an hour last Tuesday evening (if you recall, I'm having a difficult time getting dd to leave the house due to severe nausea). He promised to see us through this and help in any way. He never talks at you - just treats you like a family member - love him!

Posted (edited)

Dr. B said he would give is a letter for all of my kids, not just my PANDAS DD5. I have a son who will start preschool in September. And I also have a 7 month old who won't be doing anything for a while. When I do see Dr. B next month I will get the letters. We will see what our pedi says when we show it to him. He reasons with me on many levels, so we will see what us says to this. Also my sister in law is a medical assistant in his practice, so maybe he will go along with me :). I doubt that will make a difference but who knows?! I don't understand . It should be a parents choice you know? They shouldn't be able to dictate these special decisions or punish our children for doing what we as parents think is right.

Edited by colleendonny

Fantastic Melinda!


Yes, he ordered many labs upon our initial visit and we go back for a follow up Feb 6. My older girl came back positive for yeast in her stool, which many on this board have been telling me to check out for two years now- swallowing heaping spoonful of crow now!!! He did call in Diflucan for her. The first week was horrible, symptoms from way back reappeared. But this week she turned the corner and is now as good as she's been on steroids!!! So, crossing our fingers this is what has been holding her back from maintaining 100% when going off the prednisone.


She had no outward signs of yeast ever, no vaginal yeast, no thrush, no irregular bowel action, just the brain/slow cognitive tempo kind of lingering symptoms that just made life for a 12 yo girl a little harder than it needed to be. But the YeastBeast was there. Might be worth checking into if you feel like there is something else outside of the autoimmune cycle undermining your child's full recovery.


Milk? But wait - 80% of US antibiotics is consumed by livestock. Why wasn't your EX-pedi concerned about exposure to antibiotics and growth hormones? Make it chocolate milk and then you could be giving her mercury in the high fructose corn syrup.


Do you sometimes look back and wonder exactly when

we stepped off the planet others still live on?




Yes, I do wonder what planet I was on! This entire country is turning into a bunch of mindless robots being mamdated to doing this or that, as if someone ELSE actually knows better. And it's all driven by money. I swear that if someone at big pharma could come up with a way to vaccinate a fetus and tell us why it's great, big government would be right up their tailpipe cheering them on. Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now.

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