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So, I got an email , from Dr. T telling me my husband is a strep carrier, what does this mean and how long does he take antibiotics?


Dr. T is unavailable to speak with me or give us antibiotics if they are needed so what do I do ? :unsure:


Was this based on culture or blood work of your dh? Maybe he can't write the rx since your dh may not be (techically) his patient? But he could give you copies of results to give to his doc.

Posted (edited)

Dr. T did blood work , he suggested it for my husband when he ordered my sons blood work as well.


My husband went to our local Dr. and came back negative for Strep culture. Then we learn through an email sent by Dr. T that my husband is strep carrier.


I tried calling to have labs interpreted by DR. T but I am told he's not available until next week and that i have to call back.



I don't really know what to do with this information. It's very hard on me to have a dr. order a lot of blood work and make us wait weeks and I have to chase him for results.


My husband took 2 rounds of Zithromax prior to blood test!


Is a carrier in the family a problem and how is it handled?

Edited by socalmom

Dr. T did blood work , he suggested it for my husband when he ordered my sons blood work as well.


My husband went to our local Dr. and came back negative for Strep culture. Then we learn through an email sent by Dr. T that my husband is strep carrier.


I tried calling to have labs interpreted by DR. T but I am told he's not available until next week and that i have to call back.



I don't really know what to do with this information. It's very hard on me to have a dr. order a lot of blood work and make us wait weeks and I have to chase him for results.


My husband took 2 rounds of Zithromax prior to blood test!


Is a carrier in the family a problem and how is it handled?


We've never done blood tests on our carrier (she's 9 now, but PANDAS started in her sister when she was 4). Our (non-PANDAS) "carrier" gets strep without symtpoms (no sore throat or fever). When PANDAS dd was first diagnosed, I had sister cultured and she was positive (on rapid). So we treated her with abs and recultured (a few weeks later?). She didn't clear on the first set of abs (Augmentin). But, did clear when we treated her with 5 days of Azith. The falling fall she became positive 2x (all asymptomatic) after getting strep notices from her school classroom. She's always cleared with Azith (we're N. Ca).


We're your husbands titers rising (2 samples ran through the same lab)? How far apart (time-wise) were the samples?

Posted (edited)

Dr. T did blood work , he suggested it for my husband when he ordered my sons blood work as well.


My husband went to our local Dr. and came back negative for Strep culture. Then we learn through an email sent by Dr. T that my husband is strep carrier.


I tried calling to have labs interpreted by DR. T but I am told he's not available until next week and that i have to call back.



I don't really know what to do with this information. It's very hard on me to have a dr. order a lot of blood work and make us wait weeks and I have to chase him for results.


My husband took 2 rounds of Zithromax prior to blood test!


Is a carrier in the family a problem and how is it handled?


We've never done blood tests on our carrier (she's 9 now, but PANDAS started in her sister when she was 4). Our (non-PANDAS) "carrier" gets strep without symtpoms (no sore throat or fever). When PANDAS dd was first diagnosed, I had sister cultured and she was positive (on rapid). So we treated her with abs and recultured (a few weeks later?). She didn't clear on the first set of abs (Augmentin). But, did clear when we treated her with 5 days of Azith. The next school year (in the Fall/Winter) she became positive 2x (all asymptomatic) after getting strep notices from her school classroom. She's always cleared with Azith (we're N. Ca).


Clindymycin was another antibiotic that was recommended but my dd (at the time, couldn't take pills-4 years old) but she couldn't take the med b/c it tasted so bad.


We're your husbands titers rising (2 samples ran through the same lab)? How far apart (time-wise) were the samples?

Edited by EAMom

Dr. T did blood work , he suggested it for my husband when he ordered my sons blood work as well.


My husband went to our local Dr. and came back negative for Strep culture. Then we learn through an email sent by Dr. T that my husband is strep carrier.


I tried calling to have labs interpreted by DR. T but I am told he's not available until next week and that i have to call back.



I don't really know what to do with this information. It's very hard on me to have a dr. order a lot of blood work and make us wait weeks and I have to chase him for results.


My husband took 2 rounds of Zithromax prior to blood test!


Is a carrier in the family a problem and how is it handled?


We've never done blood tests on our carrier (she's 9 now, but PANDAS started in her sister when she was 4). Our (non-PANDAS) "carrier" gets strep without symtpoms (no sore throat or fever). When PANDAS dd was first diagnosed, I had sister cultured and she was positive (on rapid). So we treated her with abs and recultured (a few weeks later?). She didn't clear on the first set of abs (Augmentin). But, did clear when we treated her with 5 days of Azith. The next school year (in the Fall/Winter) she became positive 2x (all asymptomatic) after getting strep notices from her school classroom. She's always cleared with Azith (we're N. Ca).


Clindymycin was another antibiotic that was recommended but my dd (at the time, couldn't take pills-4 years old) but she couldn't take the med b/c it tasted so bad.


We're your husbands titers rising (2 samples ran through the same lab)? How far apart (time-wise) were the samples?


California people seem to clear up and do better on Azith, I saw an article somewhere explaining this, can't remember where? A great site by a guy named buster I think.


My husband NEVER cultured positive for strep prior to blood test but blood was only done with one lab and I was told he's a carrier and yes his titers we're high


which seemed odd since his culture was negative. :wacko:


The suggested antibiotic for "carrier status" is usually a course of clindamycin. If you explain the situation, and show the tests, to your husband's doc- I would think he would just oblige and prescribe one course of clinda.


Both of my kids contracted strep throat while on daily zithromax (plus another antibiotic). Our regular pediatrician, willingly, prescribed clindamycin for both kids, which immediately cleared infection.


okay, one more thing.


I know you are frustrated.


But, Dr T is a sole practitioner, and one of a handful of docs that treat pandas. I have been in his office quite a bit and seen him in action. I can tell you he REALLY cares about his patients and is constantly busy. His practice is new-ish and he doesn't have a "staff". Sometimes there can be a wait to speak to him, and I understand you are panicked and frustrated. But- I know he prioritizes kids in terms of who REALLY needs something immediately. There are some cases of pandas that actually become somewhat life threatening, and need immediate and aggressive treatment. I have personally seen him completely focused on getting a very sick kid help. So, just know, for all the times it takes you longer than you would like to get to him, that if (god forbid) the day ever comes when you are in a complete emergency situation- he will be there. He has really been a rock for us this year- I don't know where my kids would be without him. All of the docs that treat pandas have some "issues" that you must deal with as patients- but the alternative is other docs who have the "issue" on not actually TREATING pandas.


You are in the beginning of this road. This is the hardest part. You haven't learned how to help your kids most effectively, or learned to see their patterns. This will come over time. You will develop a plan with Dr T, and life will get easier, more predictable, and you will very very very very slowly start to feel that everything is going to be ok. I promise.


His practice is new-ish and he doesn't have a "staff".


Who lives near Dr. T. and needs a job? I see an opportunity here! ;)


My husband and I were both found to be carriers and our son's infectious disease pediatrician put us on antibiotics for 2 weeks. The next step is to go get a culture- which we still need to do.


What bood test indicates a carrier? My titers are high but my cultures are neg and on long term abx for lyme.


My dr said no way i am a carrier. I have never had strep throat. My doc said it means i was exposed.

Posted (edited)

My son is quite sick, if It gets any worse this weekend I will go to a different hospital and


hope they " believe" in PANDAS. I feel my pediatrician is over his head on this one.




My husband is from France and is baffled, and disgusted how insurance companies and DR's can't agree on this and see a child is seriously sick.

Edited by socalmom

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