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So, I thought I'd ask about this here. My ds is an only child, he has lots of friends because he's involved in competitive sports and homeschool groups, etc but he does spend a lot of time alone and with us. I also talk to myself but I keep my voice low and whisper. I have had episodes where I talk to myself and people catch me doing it in stores, etc and then I'm totally aware of it but really wasn't aware I was doing it at the time. Once ds was born, I used to talk to him incessantly even when he was a baby. I'd tell him everything on my mind. Anyway, my husband is concerned and thinks it's weird but I think ds is just like me and that he'll have to learn how to curb the talking when he's in public or around other people, etc.


Also, a quick update on us for those of you who remember us. Ds is now 13 and still has tics but they aren't too bad most of the time. His real problem is anxiety and stress related issues like stomach problems from anxiety, etc. I am planning on really focusing this year on treating his allergies and nasal congestion. I want to possibly go wheat free for a while and see if he improves with that. He has a lot of food sensitivities but he fights me on taking supplements so I feel I have to take baby steps with him. He also hates swallowing pills. I thought the allergies would get better once we moved(we moved into a single story home with 100% hard wood flooring) and that his allergies would get better but they haven't. He's had 3 colds since August and they all have heavy nasal congestion so I'm planning on some environmental allergy testing and we'll see what we find out. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!!




Hi Bonnie

I don't really have any info re the talking to oneself out loud


Did you ever have PANDAS testing done? I know you feel it is allergy and anxiety issues, but just wondering?


We only tested for strep at the time I brought it up to the MD and he was negative(we did both tests on him at least 3 times over the past few years). Actually, he's only had strep once in his life and the antibiotics didn't have an effect on his tics at all. Since dh's family has a history of OCD, LD's, and anxiety I just figured we're going down the same path with ds. The tics are just an added bonus, I guess. Am I missing something else to look for with him? And, even if it is PANDA's I don't think I'd treat him with a bunch of meds anyway because we're doing pretty good just handling things naturally and with good doctor support, etc. If he ever took a drastic turn in the other direction, I guess I could get further testing done on him beyond the allergy issues, etc.



Just for clarification, I was not suggesting that the talking to himself may be PANDAS connected but rather that the allergy/respiratory/GIT problems may be *if* he reacts to strep...as you know we had my son tested as well and he was dx (by Dr Murphy) as not being symptomatic of PANDAS, so I know that sometimes similar symptoms can manifest yet not be in any way related to strep. I noticed that some of the PANDAS parents have opted for homeopathic/holistic treatment methods with some success.


I did some reading up and it seems that talking to oneself is not an uncommon TS symptom


My son also has always talked to himself-especially younger ages and now more if he plays hockey or something on his own. But also interesting because he has always had to blow his nose +++. Not sure about allergies as no sneezing etc. He cannot swallow pills yet(12yo)-working on this- has a ++ gag reflex.


For my other son we are taking out dairy and grain and sugar. I wonder how that may affect him.

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