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Just wanted to mention that my dr. recently prescribed Cholestyramine for my brain fog/fatigue and it has helped a lot. It binds with toxins and helps you detox. It has to be taken away from food and meds, just like other natural binders. After two days on it, my brain fog and fatigue began to lessen significantly. I've been on it for a week now with good results.


Makes me realize I should do more to help my daughter detox.


She is still doing pretty well, but would always like to be doing better.


Bartonella is a real ###### to get rid of. I'll be glad when this is just a bad memory.


Found out that the Celexa is still doing her some good when I forgot to refill the prescription and she missed several days before we noticed. :( After restarting it she quickly went back to where she was previously.


I'm glad it is helping you!

My dd has been on it 2x a day- I give it in the morning before school, an hour after any meds, and before bed, an hour after any meds/supps.


I was told to take it, too, and got lazy about it, I guess because I wasn't sure I have a mold problem (I know it is not just for mold)

Anyway, had been suffering a lot this last month- nodules on my neck, scalp, exhausted, dizzy, etc.

On Monday, our LLMD told me I need to do 2x a day for detox, and perhaps I wouldn't be feeling so lousy :-/


So I am, too.


I'm glad it is helping you!

My dd has been on it 2x a day- I give it in the morning before school, an hour after any meds, and before bed, an hour after any meds/supps.


I was told to take it, too, and got lazy about it, I guess because I wasn't sure I have a mold problem (I know it is not just for mold)

Anyway, had been suffering a lot this last month- nodules on my neck, scalp, exhausted, dizzy, etc.

On Monday, our LLMD told me I need to do 2x a day for detox, and perhaps I wouldn't be feeling so lousy :-/


So I am, too.

How old is your dd? Wondering if my dd's llmd might prescribe it for my dd. I also take it 2x a day. (she said 2 or 3, but 2 is hard enough to fit it between drugs, supplements, food, etc. (she said two hours after food and an hour away from meds) hmmm, my dd hates anything yucky tasting or with a weird texture so not sure if I could get her to take it or not but I feel so much better on it.


My dd is 6, in first grade. Our Doc did mention 3x a day for her, I said completely not possible, we just do 2x.

The bright yellow powder right out of the can is rather sugary-

I mix a full scoop up for her in about 4 ounces of cran/grape juice, give with a straw.


I'm not that crazy about it- sugary, and dd and I are on the thin side, I worry about the pulling fats-

but our Dr. really believes in this stuff- we'll see if we can cut down/ get off next month.


Very cool you are feeling much better with it- I can't really tell---


Alright, I am going to add one thing-

I have been faithfully taking the powder 2x a day since Monday-

the nodule that appeared on the side of my neck 4-5 weeks ago, which has been freaking me out a bit,

(had not changed size while present- just poof! Had it one day- here it has stayed)


is now getting noticably smaller- flattening- since Monday, and I've done nothing different but the powder.


Alright, I am going to add one thing-

I have been faithfully taking the powder 2x a day since Monday-

the nodule that appeared on the side of my neck 4-5 weeks ago, which has been freaking me out a bit,

(had not changed size while present- just poof! Had it one day- here it has stayed)


is now getting noticably smaller- flattening- since Monday, and I've done nothing different but the powder.

could be just a coincidence, but you might mention it to your dr.


They make a version of the Cholestyramine that has artificial sweetener. That is the one I take. You sort of have to pick between which evil is worse in your circumstance. I'm already over weight so I didn't want the extra sugar, but I'm not crazy about artificial sweeteners either. I guess they make a version of it that has neither of those and no artificial flavors, but my dr. said it cost several hundred dollars more. Not sure if insurance would cover the difference. I'm thinking NOT, since she didn't mention it. The artificial sweetened version I take tastes like tang...with grit. ;P I add a couple ounces of water then top it off with orange juice. Goes down pretty well.


My dr. said its great for that foggy brain that I get and fatigue. So far, so good, for me.


Thanks for the information---

I think we'll just stick with the regular sugary stuff- seems to be working-

I know it can be compounded with stevia as well, but my pharmacy bills are high enough right now-

I try my best so dd gets no other sugary food, nor straight juice,

and trying my best to stay off other sugar, too.

Hard when DH is a chocolate fiend, but I'm doing pretty good.


We did see our Dr. on Monday and he examined the nodule/cyst on my neck-

and with the other 'complaints' I had, that's when he advised I start taking the powder 2x a day,

or we could slow down treatment.

So, 2x a day, and the cyst is going down little by little...


I took the stuff 4xs per day for months. I was very, very sick from mold. It worked wonders for my brain fog, dizziniess, numbness, tingling, twitching, headaches, fatigue, constant thirst, . The medicine was a miracle drug for me and set me on my way to get my life back. An fyi that it is approved for 4xs/day in adults. I felt better faster. And because I felt so good so quickly there was no doubt that toxic exposure was at the root of my illness. If mold is your problem, cholestyramine won't work forever, you eventually need to find the mold and remove the exposure.

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