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Hi all,

Is there a general concensus on a set dose of IVIG for an initial high dose treatment (not immune def)? Doesn't Dr K use 1.5g/kg? Is this what most the pandas experts use also or do some vary between 1g to 2g/kg and /or spread it out over several months? My ds's neuro wants to follow Dr K s protocol but ordered 1g/kg as she wasn't sure, will this be effective?? Thanks.


We do not go to Dr. K so I can't say first-hand what he orders, but I understand it is 1.5-2g per kilogram. Some of the other PANDAS docs use the same rate. I believe the current IVIG study is 2 grams of IVIG per kilogram of the child's weight.


Dr. K recommends 1.5g/kg. NIMH recommends 2.0g/kg. other doctors we have heard used to recommend 1.5g/kg, but have increased to 2.0g/kg. The biggest difference that I have seen is how often or how many treatments of IVIg are recommended. I heard one doctor that does 2, 6 months apart. Another does on every month for 4 months. Dr. K recommended only 1 at first, then wait and see. It is so hard to know what to do, as each child reacts differently to treatments. We are pursuing IVIg ourselves and trying to get our insurance to pay.

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