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I posted on the PANDAS forum too - has anyone done a live blood analysis? It is a finger prick then the blood is examined under a special microscope and the results are discussed right there in the office. Our doctor is suggesting this because of the IND of babesia found in our Igenex test. He uses this test when other blood tests are inconclusive. The tests can also show, bacteria, Candida, parasites, and a bunch of other things that I am not remembering at the moment.


We are still waiting and praying that ivig will bring some positive results. Our doctor is still concerned about the "possible" babesia infection. We have asked for more testing before treating. Our doctor feels it would be a good idea to do an herbal challenge with A-BAB to see what happens. I am afraid of this. My dd is a big time ticcer and I am not sure what will happen if we give her the herbs.


I AGONIZE over this daily. Any help would be appreciated!




We used NUTRITIONAL MICROSCOPY from our natropath and she detected LYME under the microscope on my toddler son. It was amazing and got us on the path to treat his lyme induced autism, she also detected my niece's gastro lyme. However our natropath has lyme but did not know she had 2 co-infections, she said she cannot detect them under the microscope. This test is immediate in that you can see parasites, yeast, EMF damage,free radical damage and she was able to see how my daughter was digesting her food and not absorbing her vitamins. There is live and dried blood collection. The cost was $50.00 but gave me answers I would have never had.


I've never heard of this and neither of the LLMDs we see has ever mentioned this as an option, even though I test neg for Lyme/coinfections and my son tests neg for Lyme amd Babesia.


We are doing the A-Bab challenge starting next week. It seems like a good, low-risk way to further evaluate. We were instructed to lower the dosage immediately if our son has any herx-like response to it, so I'm not too worried.


Best of luck making these decisions! It is agonizing when you don't have definitive results, but in the end I've decided I'm much more afraid of the illness(es) than the treatment (abx and herbs).

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