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Its been a long time since I posted. I need some guidance. My son who is 9 yrs old is starting some tics. I get the occassional eye blinking here and there when he's tired. Its been quiet for some time. His last episode was when he was sick over the summer with strep and he started some shoulder shrugging and neck movement upwards.


Just the other day he started with the neck and shoulders again. He's currently not sick. I've haven't taken him to any drs yet. My husband has TS and is under a drs care. Meds for my son is not an option for now becuase they are mild. He is taking Omega-3 pills since the summer. As a parent you feel so hopeless because you just want to be able to stop it and you can't....


Where do you start?? I already know he has TS so there is no reason to see a neuro. Do I just see his ped dr and request blood work or do I have to seek preventative med dr etc. What types of blood work should be done as a basis to start?


I've been so distraught dealing with this. Its such a critical age for these children to deal with this. When your son asks you why can't he stop it it kills you inside. You do everything for your kids to protect them in this world and its a horrible feeling when they ask for your help and you can't do anything about it.


All the info you read gets so overwhelming. In regard to my son his diet hasn't changed. He's eating and doing the same stuff he's always been doing so how does TS just come out like that??


I'm sorry to go on and on with this ... I guess I had to get some of it off my chest. Thanks for listening!!


I appreciate you help.




Hello Mary


I did just want to answer to encourage you not to feel despondent.


As you have a clear TS diagnosis and a family history, it is most likely that your son has genetic TS and, altho there undoubtedly triggers and subtle physiological changes that cause tics to suddenly wax, yet, this is probably the most characteristic thing about TS...the fact that tics DO wax and wane.


For our family, where we try to always be very aware of potential triggers and to do our best to avoid them, yet we have also learned that sometimes there is no clear reason as to why a waxing phase has occurred.And so we have just learned to live with those times.


We can drive ourselves and our kids batty by tring to be overzealous tic trigger detectives. Yes, it is good to look for possible triggers and so treat effectively, but....when it is genetic TS........often the trigger is just not evident to us, and it is at those times that we just have to stop stressing, especially when the tics are mild and not debilitating. We found the best response was to be very honest with our son about TS so that he fully understood what was happening. and when the tics waxed, we had to do our best not to draw attention to them, as that in turn helped him


One thing I can say for sure is that, once we had cleansed my son's system of toxins and parasitic fungi (candida) and heavy metals, and implemented a careful healthy diet with correct balanced supplements to suit his individual needs, and had attempted to keep envoironmental triggers at bay.......we clearly saw a decrease in the freqency and severity of the waxing phases.


Do also remember that, especially for younger children, this time of year is filled with excitement and excitement, just like stress, is a BIG tic trigger.


I am not sure if you have ever looked at the Tic Triggers article here...in case not, here it is



Here too is Claire's excellent thread summarising some of the ways to get started on testing and treatment



and again the link to the thread where I have documented the Treatments that helped my son go from very very severe TS/OCD to very mild



here too is a (((HUG))) for you :o




Thank you so much for your response and all the info. I guess the hardest part is to get started trying to seek a professional that can help.


Have you ever heard of Dr. J.S. Wojcik? He was mentioned in Sheila's book and he's from NY where I am. Maybe he's a start for some testing.


Thanks again.



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