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My son has had tics since he was 4 (likely earlier but we just didnt know they were tics at the time). We have been to naturopaths, doctors, neurologists and clinics. We have tried everything, including going to visit Dr. Sims in Baltimore to look into the TMJ connection. Nothing has worked. My son is now 8 and has had so many tics that I cant even remember them all. He is currently on Risperdal and was doing fantastic up until mid-july. Since then he has had eye rolling, pulling the shoulder of his shirt, kicking his right foot to the ground (only when wearing running shoes???), pushing his hair back, sniffing, throat clearing, and a loud "whoo". I am crushed. We happened to finally have a long awaited appointment at a Tourette Clinic in Toronto and were told that he is considered a mild case because he has no co-morbid conditions (except some slight anxiety - petrified of rain). We were told, however, that they have a psychologist on staff who does something called CBIT (Comprehensive Behavioural Intervention for Tics). Has anyone ever heard of this? The psychologist is on mat leave and wont be back for a year so we have to wait. I was given a book and told I could do it on my own at home. I was just wondering if anyone has tried this and if so, have you had any success? The neurologist also told me that because low Thyroid runs in my family, they would like to check my son's levels. Apparently, low thyroid can exacerbate tic frequency and intensity. Has anyone looked into this? I love my little boy so much and would love to just find one thing that could help him. I know school is starting soon and this is high time for ticcing but i would love to just have him go into grade 3 tic free. Here's hoping.


It is generally accepted that Tourette Tics are not "behavioral"...they are Neurological.

People with TS do not tic because of some behavioral mechanism...they tic because of a neurological stimulus, believed to be centered in the dopaminergic system of the Basal Ganglia in the brainstem


So I am not sure how they perform this treatment??


You cannot alter "behavior" to make dopamine receptors operate differently IMHO, but as mentioned, not knowing what they do in this treatment, it is hard to comment objectively.


And for many people with TS, if you make them focus on their tics, they tend to tic more..........


If the tics are not TS and are rooted in some "behavioral" mechanism then I guess there may be some benefit


things like cognitive behavioral therapy can work for OCD and other co -morbid conditions with TS....but other than teaching some coping mechanisms, it does not seem to stop the tics that are neurological in origin

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