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I just want to say: THANK YOU!


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My name is Satu, I live in Finland and I'm a mother of a 9-year-old daughter. She had her first tics at the age of 6, they were quite severe, but lasted only for a couple of months. Now this summer, after almost three years, she started to tic again and had both motor, vocal and complex tics.


I found this place in august and have been reading and reading since then. I have been afraid of writing because of my english, but now I decided to write, because I'm so thankful for the information you have given.


Without you we could have tried the medication, because here in Finland it is the only acceptable option. But after all reading we decided not to go to see neuro and started to look for an alternative doctor and try the natural way.


At first we eliminated all artificial colours and flavors and changed to organic food. Then we started to add those supplements, what you have found beneficial, magnesium, calsium, B, C, probiotics, taurine and fish oil.

In october we found a wonderful alternative doctor, who told us to continue with those supplements we had started and had the blood test done. We don't have the results yet.


In the beginning of november she started to tic less and less and now for the last week she has been totally tic free.


Your posts are an answer to our prayers.


Thank you





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Hi Satu,


What a wonderful post - so glad you have found such success. Your English is perfect! I too am so thankful for this site.




Hi Satu,


What a wonderful post - so glad you have found such success. Your English is perfect! I too am so thankful for this site.

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