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In addition to a diagnosis of Lyme, we just found out that my 8 yr. old son tested positive for Bartonella Henselae and FISH and tested equivocol for Babesia Duncai. When I told a doc at Kaiser about the Bartonella diagnosis he "chuckled" and said that he is infected to and that most people are. He didn't seem concerned a bit.


How serious are these 2 infections anyway? I've read that they do have an influence on psychiatric disorders. Any experience with this? Is it possible that these can play a larger role than lyme in my son's disorders? Andrea

Posted (edited)

Andrea bartonella is notorious for causing neuropsyche symptoms and some say it's harder to get rid of. Many kids who have been diagnosed with PANDAS later learn they have bartonella. If you got a positive test for bartonella that is very significant. It's common to have it or something "bartonella like" as some call it and not get a positive test yet respond to the treatment. They use other drugs to treat Bart than Lyme-rifampin is what we used along with azithromycin and something like doxy, amoxicillin or ceftin.

Edited by lyme mom

My children have Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia as well. These infections can be treated and huge progress can be made over time for your child. I would not trust anyone not experienced in treating TBI to provide perspective on results. It is obvious the Dr. at Kaiser is not experienced in treating TBI nor does he understand brevity of your son's symptoms, number of infections or how to treat properly. These are very serious infections and both can cause psychiatric disorders independently. It is most like the combo of infection that drives your son's current symptoms of rage, OCD and TICs. You will need to address all three infections to get him well.



Posted (edited)

My dd was also recently dx'd with lyme, bartonella, babesia.


We have Kaiser insurance, and I can tell you story upon story how clueless they are- driven by money, not able to help. I have been deeply insulted and angry time after time with them, this has been our experience. I am not even telling them about my dd's lyme, I fear they will just record me as a crazy mother, which I am sure is down on paper there already.

I have been doing a lot of reading, and personally, I am very scared to leave these infections in any of us- they do not 'go away by themselves' and can cause very, very serious impairment and damage, and the longer they go on, the harder it is to treat.


I contacted 'Turn the Corner' online organization and they will send a complete list of LLMD's/treating lyme Dr.'s in your area.

As far as Kaiser, if we switch our whole family next annual option to a different company/plan, it will cost us another $300+ dollars a month, and I am already paying for special Dr. (now LLMD) but I really cannot bear Kaiser anymore.

I only use them for emergency/very simple basic care. But honestly, I am so turned off with them, we never go up there for any help.


Anyway, sorry for my own personal rant, but, if I were you, I would at least take your child to an intial consult with a Lyme Dr. and get a 2nd opinion.

Edited by S & S

Hello S & S Mom,


I do have a Lyme specialist that I am working with. However, I am fighting to get my abx filled through Kaiser. I am interested in speaking to you about you experience with Kaiser and what I have to look forward to. If you have time, please contact me at sani.ad@att.net. I'd love to chat! Andrea

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