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Lurker Emerges-Need Suggestion


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Hello Everyone! I have been following along and reading messages for about six months. Thanks to all of you for your insights and help--I think it has made the difference between going into major depression and being able to proceed with life.


My son is nearly 10 and has had symptoms of TS since he was 6 (no formal diagnosis). The tics have never been as bad as they have been for the last few months. Based on some ideas I found here, I am supplementing his diet with calcium, magnesium, zinc, and flax oil. He had bad reactions to multivitamins, fish oil, carnitine (tics got much worse on L-carnitine and acetyl l carnitine), taurine (tics also got worse). He has a reaction to some of the B vitamins, but I don't know which ones.


I have gotten to the point that I would like to have an actual doctor work with me, but I can't figure out from all the various doctor listings I have found (on this site and others) which ones would actually know what tests to order that would make sense of the above information and would know what to do about that. Does anyone know of a doctor in the New York City area that they could recommend? If it would be helpful, you could email me with that information.


I'll let you know how this goes.

Thanks to all


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Hi Lynn

congrats that you are seeking the way to help your child naturally.

Sorry to hear of all the negative reactions to some supplements....honestly, I have long believed that it is the correct combinations based on individual needs that make the best impact...one of the reasons why I am so naggy on recommending that folks work with knowledgable physicians.


I was asked a question re docotrs in the NY area on BrainTalk, and found some info which I posted there. I do stress that I have NO personal knowledge or experience with any of these docotrs, but at least it is a starting point. I would recommend that when you call the docotrs office, your first question should be as to whether they have any experience with natural treatment for TS/tics. If the answer is yes, then consider making the appointment. And even if you schedule several appts as you go along, keep a short list and then pick one you feel best about and cancel the others


here is the BT link discussing NY docs



all the best to you

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