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My name is Katie. I stumbled onto this site and could really use some direction!


Our 11 year old son, Drew, has had various facial tics since he joined our family 3 years ago as a foster child. We have since adopted Drew.


These tics seem to come on suddenly and then last 3-6 months, then go away. First one was moving his mouth and jaw in circles, another was smacking the lips. Currently, he blinks his eyes very rapidly, then his eyes roll back in his head. In between, we are now realizing that the incessant humming of "humm, humm, hmmmmm" may also be a vocalization.


We have seen a pediatric neurologist twice. Drew had a normal EEG. The neurologist experience was very frustrating. He agreed that "something is wrong" with Drew and observed the eye tic, then gave me the Tourette association webpage and told me to go home and read about it. Then he referred us to the Psychiatry department. I have started that process.


Drew has possibly been exposed to alcohol and/or drugs in-utero. He was traumatized in his family situation with a very unstable, schizophrenic birthmom. He deals with many issues from all of his former life. He is a nice, cooperative kid with great intelligence. No AD/HD issues, nothing OCD at all. Just these awful tics.


We have always noticed that "something" is just not right about Drew. He has poor balance, is very spacey, has very little sensation in his face. His speech is very slow. According to his birthmom,he was significantly delayed developmentally as a baby/toddler (did not speak until 3 years, etc).


Our family has always gone to alternative practitioners and we have good resources in this area. I wish to obtain more information to help me link up all of the things I am observing so that I can help our son. Additionally, he has severe dental issues and we are considering braces----but are deeply concerned about the restriction of braces on his cranial structures and all the possible implications. The more I read, the more I am convinced that all of Drew's seemingly unrelated symptoms are very much related and need to be addresed in an organized fashion.


I would greatly appreciate any comments, resources or information that anyone can give. Sorry for the long post!




Hi Katie and welcome :)


how wonderful that this precious child has been taken into your care :P


Honestly, my advice to you is to consult with the "alternative" (preferably Integrative) physicians that you have had good experiences with or try to find one from the list that is sticky at the top of this forum


Also, Sheila Rogers (the administrator of this website and more!) has just published an excellent book on breakthrough natural treatments for tics and tourette's, which you can order here thru the website




If you spend some time reading thru the many threads here and also gleaning infor from the ACN homepage

( http://www.latitudes.org ) you will begin to see the wealth of information that is available to help with tics, and other neurological disorders.


From what you have described, your little guy may well have TS, but the fetal environment and early stuff he was exposed to could also have resulted in many things that are causing his tics.

That is where a good and experienced Integrative physician will be so helpful, in beginning tests etc that can help with a clearer idea of what is wrong, and the best ways to try to correct it...without the cocktail of potentially harmful medications that would likely be the first choice of a conventional doctor or neurologist.


Dont hesitate to keep asking questions here and we will do our best to answer, and we will always be here to offer support and (((BIG HUGS)))


blessings to you and your family

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