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Hi, I'm so glad this site is back up. I too missed it. I don't post a lot but read it all. I'm looking for some help from those of you who have older children or went through this yourself. My daughter just started middle school and she and I are spinning a little. I have an IEP in place for her and have met with her teachers. She is in the front row of all classes. She is struggling in math. I went over material with her last week and she seemed to grasp it but only got half of the questions right on her test and received an F. She has a major focus problem. What are some things that have helped older children in school? So far all of her teachers seem to be willing to help with whatever I suggest, I just don't know what to suggest to help Syd. Any info. is greatly appreciated. As a side note, she has been taking MB12 shots and her tics reduced a great amount - still had them but not as bad. Well I didn't realize the B12 wasn't good after August and she's still been receiving her shots. Her tics have gotten worse and we felt it was new school, changing classes etc... but now I'm wondering if it was the B12. Her doctor's office said it wouldn't hurt her but the potentcy has worn off. I'm going to order more and will be curious to see if after she's back on if tics reduce again. I'm hoping so. Thanks again for this great resource!




Hi Lisa,


For tests what about having her take tests in a room that is quieter like the resource room, etc.? Does her tests need to be untimed? Could she get a study hall in the resource room to get some extra help on her math or maybe a tutor? Don't know if any of those are being used already, but those are the modificiations I've used.




Hi Lisa


i sure do agree with all those points that Carolyn mentioned, as they have been very helpful to my son too as part of his school accomodations


Also, if the tests are multiple choice, that could also present problems....my son is always allowed extra time on multiple choice as it is documented as a problem for him ...........he scores As on tests that involve giving a comprehensive answer, but always looses points on the multiple choice as the CAPD/ADD stuff seems to cause him confusion when he is faced with very similar choices as opposed to just giving an answer


Two supplements that really helped my son with focus/attention/concentration/memory are Gingko biloba and Borage Oil


Hi Lisa, One of my daughters' focus is really affected by Corn Syrup. Her brain seems to be all over the place when she's had too much. It's a difficult thing to eliminate because it's in so many foods and drinks; however, some of the biggest triggers for her seem to be soft drinks, Capri Sun, and any items where CS or High Fructose CS are one of the primary ingredients. We avoid items like that in the house, and have found alternatives for most of them.



Thanks so much for all of your info. I will go back and talk with her math teacher about tests since this is the hardest subject for her. We have eliminated so many foods. All she drinks is water and rice milk. She is allowed a sprite once a week on the weekend. I have noticed a set back since she insisted on eating gluten foods again. If we had started all of this at a younger age it may not be such a fight. I keep praying that she'll choose those foods which she knows are best for her but as she gets older I lose more control. Thanks again for the feedback - EVERY little bit helps!! (She does take a focus pill prescribed by her DAN!)

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