momonamission Posted November 2, 2005 Report Posted November 2, 2005 Hello all. Wow, it's comforting to find so many people share the same task I have just been dealt. After 5 years of denying my son's small tics, I have finally confirmed there is a problem. He is 12 now. The small tics (grunting, sniffing, tapping, throat clearing, hopping, etc..) would go away throughout the years as quickly as they would appear. They were soon replaced by another that we would all overlook. I really believed he could control them up until this point. He is incredibly bright (last report card was all 100's with one 94). He started 6th grade this year with his normal little tics that obviously were suppressed while in school. For some crazy reason, within the last week, our family has been blown away by the increase in tics which undeniably at this point is beyond his control. As of last week he began changing the pitch in his voice while in casual conversation to shouting. And every few minutes, shouting for no apparent reason. He is even shouting something sounding very similar to "fuckju." My heart is breaking for him, and he is so frustrated. I even recieved a call from his teacher and it appears to be happening at school in moderation. He has had such a great self esteem up until this point, and I don't want that to be tarnished by how cruel middle school can be. I think it has been magnified by a few recent events that have triggered what has been there for the last five years. He is a little stressed out with the usual school stuff. I got married two weeks ago, which was a happy event, but still stressful for everyone. He gained a step father around the same time his dad seems to be "too busy" all of the time. I'm sure he is a little confused. The most unusual and probably significant factor might be his latest doctor's visit. Exactly one week ago I took him to the doctor to be treated for a viral infection and a congested cough. I also spoke with the doctor about a Neurologist referal due to the recent profanity resembling outburst. The doctor put him on amoxicilan (I don't know if I spelled that right.) Within the evening the shouting went from 0 to 60. I know it has something to do with the antibiotics. I have stopped them, and am waiting for it to get a little better. I refuse to put him on medication that sedates him and just covers the problem. Where did you all start. Thanks for listening. Mom on a mission
Chemar Posted November 2, 2005 Report Posted November 2, 2005 Dear mom welcome to the forum honestly, from what you have described, it does sound like this may possibly be Tourette Syndrome. Three things stood out to me in your post as being the likely triggers for the increase in your son's tics 1. His age -- it is well documented that tics are at their peak around puberty 2. The stress and excitement and change associated with your recent marriage/his new "dad"/issues with biological dad etc etc----again, stress and excitement and change are major triggers for tics 3. Your son's illness and reaction to the medication---illness/infection etc is a major tic trigger and if your son is either allergic or hypersensitive to any ongredient in the med, this may have worsened tocs too. Did the docotr do a strep test?? I dont know if you have heard of PANDAS--a situation where streptococcal infections, not just strep throat, can lead to tic intensifications (not a very clinical description but basically gets the point across) The possible profanity again is a documented tic, known as copralalia I would strongly urge you to see a neurologist or developmental pediatrician asap to obtain a qualified diagnosis. The sooner you have that, the better for your son as then the school will have to make accomodations and allowances for his tics. It is hard enough for kids when they are experiencing tics that they have very little control over (beyond very short term suppression) but when they are punished at school for what they cant help....that is awful! There is an excellentwebsite to educate you about the basics on tourette syndrome at also, please do be very aware of the dangers and cautions associated with the prescription meds that many docotrs prescribe far too quickly for TS.....most of us here have found very positive results from natural my son's case, he went from VERY severe TS to very very mild thanks to these treatments. Here is a basic thread that I compiled on what helped him I hope you will stay in touch...this is such a great place for knowledge and support. I dont know if you just came out here at the forum, or if you have visited the HomePage at where there is a wealth of information ((hugs)) to you.........take a deep breath.....we have all been in that place you are now, afraid, sad, and overwhelmed ...but take heart...there is so much you can do to help your son! blessings to you
momonamission Posted November 2, 2005 Author Report Posted November 2, 2005 Thanks for your reply Chemar. I greatly appreciate any and all knowledge I can obtain. I am feeling quite overwhelmed right now, like I'm sure most parents do when beginning this journey. You are absolutely right. From what I have read he is at the right age, and he has had allot of stress and excitement recently. I had not heard of PANDAS until today while reading on this forum. Had I known, I would have requested the strep culture. During the visit for the virus, the doctor listens to his lungs, and decided he just needed some antiboitics and did not do the strep test. Strangely enough, it was this same visit that I requested the referal to the neurologist for the mild tics, the same day that I began him on the amoxicillan, and the same evening the tics magnified by 1000! I was assuming it might be the medicine that triggerred it. Does this mean that once it is out of his system the really bad tics will stop. Also, does the PANDAS go away when the virus, or strep if any, goes away. I don't know if you can answer that, but you seem a step ahead of me. Maybe I can research the Pandas more. You are so right about the docs putting him on meds right away. His first appointment was last Thursday in which he was put of the amoxicillian. The tics go so bad, that I made him an appointment the following Monday for his regular Pediatrician to see him. The doc placed a phone call to a Neuro (who we have never seen) and came back in the room and prescribed my son Resperdal without the Neuro ever seeing him. This shocked me, and I turned down the prescription. I was even more shocked when I researched the med and saw what they wanted to put my son on. This seems like a scary battle in which knowledge is the key. Thanks so much for your advice! Dear mom welcome to the forum honestly, from what you have described, it does sound like this may possibly be Tourette Syndrome. Three things stood out to me in your post as being the likely triggers for the increase in your son's tics 1. His age -- it is well documented that tics are at their peak around puberty 2. The stress and excitement and change associated with your recent marriage/his new "dad"/issues with biological dad etc etc----again, stress and excitement and change are major triggers for tics 3. Your son's illness and reaction to the medication---illness/infection etc is a major tic trigger and if your son is either allergic or hypersensitive to any ongredient in the med, this may have worsened tocs too. Did the docotr do a strep test?? I dont know if you have heard of PANDAS--a situation where streptococcal infections, not just strep throat, can lead to tic intensifications (not a very clinical description but basically gets the point across) The possible profanity again is a documented tic, known as copralalia I would strongly urge you to see a neurologist or developmental pediatrician asap to obtain a qualified diagnosis. The sooner you have that, the better for your son as then the school will have to make accomodations and allowances for his tics. It is hard enough for kids when they are experiencing tics that they have very little control over (beyond very short term suppression) but when they are punished at school for what they cant help....that is awful! There is an excellentwebsite to educate you about the basics on tourette syndrome at also, please do be very aware of the dangers and cautions associated with the prescription meds that many docotrs prescribe far too quickly for TS.....most of us here have found very positive results from natural my son's case, he went from VERY severe TS to very very mild thanks to these treatments. Here is a basic thread that I compiled on what helped him I hope you will stay in touch...this is such a great place for knowledge and support. I dont know if you just came out here at the forum, or if you have visited the HomePage at where there is a wealth of information ((hugs)) to you.........take a deep breath.....we have all been in that place you are now, afraid, sad, and overwhelmed ...but take heart...there is so much you can do to help your son! blessings to you
Jeff Posted November 3, 2005 Report Posted November 3, 2005 Glad you found this site - you're sure to find something that will help your son, naturally. Chemar's link will give you a lot of great ideas on what might be triggering your son's tics. For my two daughters, the biggest culprit we've found is artificial colors in foods. We've been avoiding those for several years now, and our tics are no longer an issue. When they cheat too much, they do start to tic again, but mildly, and we can get things back under control pretty quickly with a clean diet. You might want to check your pantry and see if there's anything new that he's begun eating recently that might be a culprit (Hawaiian Punch, Trix, Gatorade, Twizzlers, Skittles, etc....) Check ingredients for things like Red #40, Yellow #5, etc.... Many children are affected by those additives. If you want to read more about it, you can find a lot of info at Best of luck, and keep asking questions! There is a lot of knowledge and experience here on this board. Jeff
Sydsmom Posted November 3, 2005 Report Posted November 3, 2005 Momonamission, I love your "name" because that's what we are here - parents on a mission to help our kids! It was exactly a year ago that my daughter was diagnosed and I was refelcting just the other day about our year. It was all so very overwhelming and we sometimes still have our days but overall it's gotten easier. So hang in there and know that each day gets better. What often rings in my head is the phrase "stay in the game". Goodluck to you - your son is lucky to have a mom that has taken her head out of the sand and isn't ignoring the symptons anymore. (I had my head in the sand for years).
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