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Anyone else get the feeling of being covered in spiderwebs with their herxing? It's driving me mad. I get them on my arms and face. I'm constantly trying to wipe away those webs!


I thought the buzzing cell phone vibration in my shoulder blade and scalp was bad enough. Luckily that is gone (usually) but I prefer that to these spiderwebs.


I hope my kids never get this. I don't think they would be able to handle it. I wonder what makes one person get one type of herx and someone else another. It seems that the three of us are all so different.




Not sure if this is related or not, but I don't have Lyme (I don't think) but constantly feel like there are tiny hairs or fibers on my feet or between my toes and there never are. I wake up all the time trying to brush them off my feet and legs. Ds has never had a herx like that.


I feel for you and understand how that feeling is unnerving. Hope it gets better soon.




My weirdest herx sympotms so far have been restless leg syndrome type of feeling and twitching. I spent one hour just twithing constantly while my heart raced. It was weird. I also have had itchy arm pits. Ha! It was really bad at first but now only happens once in a while and subsides quickly. I wonder if it is because toxins are coming out in my sweat? That bothered me on and off for the entire time I had lyme though but got much worse when I started antibiotics.


I'm celebrating (hopefully not to early) that I took my two doses of Flagyl (last night and this morning) and I'm still feeling like I'm alive. I had an hour or two of fatigue and nausea and then it passed. Sometimes it takes longer to make me feel like dying, but the last two weeks it hit me fast and hard, so this is improvement. I was feeling like I might not make it though this last week, but now I'm hopeful again.

Posted (edited)
I also have had itchy arm pits.


Interesting on the itchy armpits because this is a horrible symptom of mine from the past. I cut out wheat and it went away completely. Now I am like a wheat meter because if I get any at all, my pits itch :P


I was like you with the flagyl too. Now I can take it once a week with no herx. Nice! Good luck. It is getting better!



Edited by Suzan
I also have had itchy arm pits.


Interesting on the itchy armpits because this is a horrible symptom of mine from the past. I cut out wheat and it went away completely. Now I am like a wheat meter because if I get any at all, my pits itch :P


I was like you with the flagyl too. Now I can take it once a week with no herx. Nice! Good luck. It is getting better!



Yay, I'm still feeling alive this morning too. How long will you wait to increase your Flagyl dose? I might do one day next week then and see how I do and maybe increase by one pill the following week. For two weeks now I haven't had a huge increase in nerve pain which had always followed a flagyl dose, so that is good news too.


So, wrt the itchy arm pits, did you have other signs of wheat allergies and the itchy arm pits just happend to subside when you quit wheat? It is very much decreased in me now, which made me wonder if it had to do with toxins coming out in my sweat, since I'm doing a bit better. I'm definitely more itchy over all too, just feel like my skin is more sensitive. Hmmm.

Yay, I'm still feeling alive this morning too. How long will you wait to increase your Flagyl dose? I might do one day next week then and see how I do and maybe increase by one pill the following week. For two weeks now I haven't had a huge increase in nerve pain which had always followed a flagyl dose, so that is good news too.


So, wrt the itchy arm pits, did you have other signs of wheat allergies and the itchy arm pits just happend to subside when you quit wheat? It is very much decreased in me now, which made me wonder if it had to do with toxins coming out in my sweat, since I'm doing a bit better. I'm definitely more itchy over all too, just feel like my skin is more sensitive. Hmmm.


I had a blood test show wheat allergy years ago but I didn't think I was really allergic becuase there was no direct connection to my symptoms. In addition to the itchy armpits, I would get a strange, very itchy rash that would start at my knees and travel all over before it finally resolved and I had to use powerful steroid cream. That has completely gone away too with the removal of wheat. Maybe it was part of lyme and removing the wheat reduced my inflammation and histimine. I don't know.



Regarding the flagyl, I don't think I am going to increase more than once a week. At least LLMD didn't say to try.


Glad you are feelign OK today!!



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