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My ODD12 has extreme beh. problems, including threatening the s word a few times. We are in the process of evaluations and such, but I am just wondering if anyone has had their child become violent or suicidal due to Lymes? I know it can cause brain fog and anger attacks, but can it go as far as the s word or actual threatened violence? My daughter threatened me today and that is why I am wondering.


My ODD12 has extreme beh. problems, including threatening the s word a few times. We are in the process of evaluations and such, but I am just wondering if anyone has had their child become violent or suicidal due to Lymes? I know it can cause brain fog and anger attacks, but can it go as far as the s word or actual threatened violence? My daughter threatened me today and that is why I am wondering.


Yes, Yes, Yes. Have had hammers thrown at us. Objects become weapons. I've been called some pretty nasty stuff. He has tried jumping out windows & cars. I don't have an interior door in my home that isn't trashed. We ended up in the court system when a rage sent him flying out of the house in his sock feet and then he throw a rock & broke someone's car window. Ds12 has been in the hospital so many times I quit counting--even spent some time in a detention center when the hospital was full and the JCO had it in for him. He is in the hospital right now. Med change up. All this from a boy who made us a card for our anniversary, gives us hugs to give to his sisters (both while he is in the hospital), and insists we visit a 94 yo dear aunt in the nursing home! I said when he was 4: When he is good he is very, very good. When he is bad he is horrid!! We started lyme treatment and all blankity blankity broke out. It got bad. Sorry to hear the struggles. I understand the pain. Dawn


Yes, both homicidal and suicidal thoughts are associated with Lyme Disease. However, many have multiple co-infections along with Lyme. Bartonella is highly associated with rage behavior, mood liability, OCD, etc. Here is a symptoms list for Bartonella.


Some Signs and Symptoms

of Possible Chronic Bartonella





All Psychiatric disorders

Bartonella Causes over 200 Body Problems and Can Harm Any Organ

But Some Patients Have No Clear Symptoms

Confusion and Cognitive Troubles

Depression and Anxiety


Dozens of Types of Rashes


Eye Disorders, e.g., Blurred Vision, Depth Perception, and Retinal Damage






Joint Pain

Kidney, Bladder, and Urogenital Disorders

Lumps in the Skin

Memory Problems


Muscle Spasms and/or Weakness

Numbness or Loss of Sensation

Oxygen Deprivation

Panic Attacks

Physically or Verbally Violent behavior

Polyps in or on Major Organs

Profound Sensitivity to Medications

Sleep Disorders

Treatment Resistant Addictions and Compulsions


Upper and Lower G.I. Tract Disorders


Wow! That is scary thinking those things can happen with Lyme and/or co-infections. What are the treatments usually involved? I know some abx, but isn't IVIG used too? My ODD has IgA deficiency and it looks like I may have CVID as well.


My ODD12 has extreme beh. problems, including threatening the s word a few times. We are in the process of evaluations and such, but I am just wondering if anyone has had their child become violent or suicidal due to Lymes? I know it can cause brain fog and anger attacks, but can it go as far as the s word or actual threatened violence? My daughter threatened me today and that is why I am wondering.



oh yes, my dd was 8 and trying to jump from moving car, window, pulling out knives in kitchen and even tried to jump head first off the kitchen counter


Oh yeah, knife wielding is fun, too! NOT. SF Mom--Evan has a hx of at least 3/4 of the problems (more than just a little problem or fleeting issue) on the list you posted. Dawn


Priscilla--WOW! I am glad she is okay! That definitely would be one of the most scariest things ever!


iowadawn--it must be common then! That is unfortunate. Her counselor is confused as we have had her in therapy for about a year and she is on 2 meds (wellbutrin and fluvoxamine). She is going for a psych eval on the 27th and I will mention Lyme although not sure what reaction I will get!


SF Mom--Both DD and I have about 90% of the bartonella symptoms. That is scary, because neuro is a big part of our problem!


Yes! DS7 gets major rage attacks - sometime his pupils get dilated so we know it's coming. Sometimes there is no warning. He has damaged property repeatedly, threatens harm regularly, acts out violently both at home and at school, and when things get really bad he talks a lot about dying and even specific plans he has to accomplish this. It is heartwrenching, and definitely the scariest part of this whole journey. He just got a clinical diagnosis of lyme, bartonella, and probably babesia. We're waiting on labs to back up that diagnosis. When we tried high dose abx (for PANDAS) he went completely berserk - non-stop raging. We're starting high dose abx again, but this time with major supplement support, so I'm hoping and praying it goes better this time.

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