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Both my daughter and I have been experiencing a fair bit of vomiting over the past month. Since I'm not in her body, she is the one that concerns me the most. She has had one vomit/week and they have all been in the middle of the night. She has been on the same meds for over a month and is not allergic to them. We had our LLMD appt today and she was examined and appeared quite healthy. We kept all meds the same. I, myself, have felt terrible for about 2-3 months and nausea and some vomiting have been a part of that. But now that it extends to my daughter, I'm wondering how many others have experienced this regularly?


I don't know why this surprises me, but it does. Can you describe a bit of your experience so I can try to wrap my head around this?


Thanks so much!


We have not had vomiting as part of a herx, only fevers and muscle aches but my son did have vomiting when he first started taking probiotics. We changed probiotics and he has been fine since (2 yes ago). Could there be something else that is bothering the both of you?


I am not sure which co-infections have been identified for your family yet but I would definitely document the days of vomiting. Happening once a week is an indication that its a herx associated with Bartonella or Babesia due to cycle/timing of vomiting. We've also had vomiting as a herx response but was more in the 28 to 34 day range.. when Lyme typically flairs,


The vomiting should pass as things improve. Try to focus on detox support.




Definitely had the vomiting over the winter and early spring when son was taking Bicillin shots, zith and Doxy. Sometimes I think it was a reaction to the meds and lack of eating, but usually I think it was a herx. The other side (literally) can be when they have diarrhea. Both are GI upsets and seem to come in a pattern. Make sure lots of purified water, probiotics, and fruits and veggies.


I know you feel bad for them, especially when you feel crummy yourself, but this too shall pass.


I am not sure which co-infections have been identified for your family yet but I would definitely document the days of vomiting. Happening once a week is an indication that its a herx associated with Bartonella or Babesia due to cycle/timing of vomiting. We've also had vomiting as a herx response but was more in the 28 to 34 day range.. when Lyme typically flairs,


The vomiting should pass as things improve. Try to focus on detox support.




My DD9 began rifampin 2 days ago, and was feeling quite nauseous for about 1/2 hour, 1 hr after taking it this morning. Nausea/vomiting is one of the more common side effects of rifampin. If this continues I will ask the LLMD if she can take it with food. This is the first occurrance of nausea as a symptom for her. Usually her GI complaints are intermittent abdominal pain and cyclic diarrhea.


My dd on lyme treatment only occasionally gets stomach upset if she hasn't eaten enough when she takes her meds. I on the other hand, have suffered with nausea of which the timing seems like a herx. It started when I tried to take Minocin. Day 3 and 4 I was sick and stopped it. Took a break and started it again. Day 2 and 3 I was sick and ended up switching back to Doxy.


Then I started Flagyl. First week I took two doses (one day) and just had fatigue the following half a day. The next week I took 4 doses (2 days) and on day 3 and 4 I was nauseous, had extreme fatigue, and nerve pain. (exactly how I felt after the Minocin) I ended up having to take a half day off from meds to recover.


The following week I went back to one day of Flagyl. I just had two days of fatigue.


The next week I did one dose (1/2 day) and by the end of the day I had nausea, fatigue, nerve pain that lasted all week.


This last time I managed to get in two doses and had nausea, fatigue the first day, better today which is the second day, but still don't feel great.


Seems like a herx to me. Wish I could puke if it would make me feel better. :( Tired of feeling like I want to just die. Thank God my dd is doing okay right now.


i have had a couple 6 month rounds of tetracycline. the first round, i was fine with it, took it on an empty stomach as directed, and ate 20 min later. but the second round i had to eat with it, and a certain ammount, or certain foods. now and then i would throw it up, and try to figure out if it was what i ate or if it was the timing. it was not a consistent thing, hard to figure out. poor dd, good luck.

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