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I think there are ticks everwhere. But there are not as many in the desert areas of places like NM and AZ especially if you stay away from any forest areas. Do you have a dog? Our LLMD suggested that we get rid of the dog to avoid future tick exposure. I'm hoping that treating her (the dog not the LLMD :lol: ) and our yard will be enough for our back yard exposure.


Have you read about how to protect yourself by wearing light colored clothes and tucking your pants into your socks? You can also spray your clothes with Permethrin. I have not started doing this yet but it's my plan.




I hear Alaska may have fewer. Antarctica? I don't imagine there are any easy answers. Indoors and no pets is no doubt safer, but, for those already infected and sick, in the end you will have to clean up your body and (for most people) diet and exercise lifestyle to get healthy, it's a real question if effort avoiding tics is well spent.

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