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We think this is one of our DD's PANDAS symptoms but I haven't really seem it talked about much. Our daughter seems to have these phantom like feelings that things have touched or happend that really haven't. For example just had to put ear drops in her ear due to swimmers ear. every time we do it she freaks out and screams that it went in her eye and her mouth even though it didn't and it is no where near there. She does it sometimes too about people or things touching her when they aren't really close enough to.

Just curious.


My daughter had something similar, thought not exactly. She would be utterly convinced that we had moved our hands in a certain way when we had not moved a muscle. Alto fo her OCD involved making sure our hands do not touch anything, esp fabric. She has to rub our hands and fingers if they touch anything (nightmarish, huh?) We have to hold our hands in certain positions and be statue-like. She will watch as be as still as possible and then start screaming that we moved, or touched something- when we obviously did not.

I never thought of it a phantom feelings, however she also was convinced we had touched her back (which we never, ever would- as that was a mortal OCD/PANDAS sin!) and it would set off hours of agony for her. This led some docs to say she was paranoid or hallucinating-- she would say that we HAD touched her back-- she knew it, she had the feeling thet we did, when no one did.

In my mind, I likened it to when a kid swears things are contaminated when they are just out of the dishwasher-- not reality, but REAL to them.


My daughter has this...I think it's ocd type of thoughts....my daughter will think she swallowed something when she clearly didn't...or someone's spit touched her and they were not even near her and they didn't spit either......last week she worked on it in therapy and it seemed to help (so far...knock on wood)


My daughter has this...I think it's ocd type of thoughts....my daughter will think she swallowed something when she clearly didn't...or someone's spit touched her and they were not even near her and they didn't spit either......last week she worked on it in therapy and it seemed to help (so far...knock on wood)


I am thinking I need to study up a bit on OCD I am realizing that a lot of what she experiences falls into that category. It is really interesting that the thoughts are so specific and in your case my daughter has the same things she talks about peoples spit getting on her all the time. She has been going to therapy for anxiety but I am thinking we may need to be more OCD focused since those are the symptoms that seem to be hanging around the most.


My son (4) had phantom tastes when he had his acute episode last Fall. he also had, I believe, some auditory and visual hallucinations. there are such psych. symptoms as tactile hallucinations, but they are not reported often. I have no idea as to whether they can be symptomatic of PANDAS...


my dd had more of a "lingering touch" if you touched her, she could feel it and would demand us to take it off (since about 3 yrs old) especially on her head. I considered this a "hypersensivity" reaction- because she could truly "feel" it. I am curious about the ear drops though. I have tasted eye drops myself- could the sinus area have a "breach" that is causing the fluid to cause her that sensation? Well we have been fighting these issues for several years and very severe since april 2010. We got a lyme diagnosis (which hypersensitivty is a symptom of, along with almost every other:( we are finally seeing dramatic results since starting lyme treatment, pretty much 110% over last 6 weeks :)

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