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Posted (edited)

I thought many on this forum might be interested in this. They don't mention PANDAS, (although they do mention OCD, Tourettes, ADHD, allergies, etc) and it seems they could benefit from the participation of PANDAS parents.


This is in its infancy, and all they're asking for now is to sign up to be on their mailing list.


Here's the link: http://canaryparty.org/


Here's a synopsis:

We are a group of citizens who are disturbed by the increasingly failing health of those in our society. Among us are those who have been injured by the medical industry, those with children or loved ones who have been harmed and killed by the medical industry, medical professionals who are upset with what is happening in their field and those who endeavor to preserve human health in spite of increasingly corrupt and failing medical establishment.


In 2010, a group of parents of children who were suffering from neurological and autoimmune disorders, and who had been active for years in their efforts to get mainstream medicine to address the causes of, and find treatments for, their children's poor health, faced the realization that while they had been earnest in their engagement of both the private medical industry and government public health officials, the medical establishment was not working in good faith with them. They decided that if anything was to be done about the epidemic levels of childhood chronic illness in the US, it would have to be a result of real political pressure to clean up the corruption in the medical establishment that was allowing bad pharmaceuticals, bad medical practices and bad public health policy to assault human health on such a wide scale.


They began talking with those injured by medicine in other ways, those concerned with parental rights, with lack of choices in health care options, with environmental pollution, with nutrition, and with the encroachment of the medical industrial complex on the basic rights of the individual to practice informed consent in medical care.


In the spring of 2011, it became clear that waiting to do something was no longer an option. It was time to launch The Canary Party, because the medical establishment is not paying attention to the sick canaries in our society that are telling us that there are serious problems that need to be addressed, and that if they are not, we must expect that society will begin to suffer greater and greater collapse as more and more people succumb to the diseases and disorders rampant today.


It was time to stop asking the medical establishment to pay attention to the epidemic of illness, and demand that they do, or replace them with their betters who would.


And so The Canary Party was born.

Edited by mama2alex

Thanks for posting this--

more than the corruption, I have personally been aggravated by not having the freedom to choose what medical treatments for my child. I am not talking insurance coverage (I am a free-market believer;)--

I am talking about the governmental regulations and requirements. If I want to try something and I am willing to pay for it-- than DARN it-- It is my business.


interesting, mama2alex.


I signed up for their email list and will be interested to hear what this group has to say.

Thanks again

Posted (edited)

Great job, Vickie!!!


Wow, that was fast!!!


I signed up too. I entered thanks for adding PANDAS in the comment box.

Edited by JAG10

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