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Hi All,


Well in a past post I had mentioned how my son decided to go off his vitamins and that was for about 2 weeks. It has been about 2 weeks since he has been back on them but there are 2 tics that are really noticable and we can't seem to get them under control.


1) He is constantly smelling his hands everytime he touches something - (This one bothers me more than him. It was really grossing me out when we went Bowling and he kept putting his hands in that ball and than smelling them. I never really thought about what could be in those finger holes until now. YUCK!)


2) A Really bad neck/head tic. He completely bends his head almost to his shoulder and only to one side. This one is making his neck hurt but he wont allow me to massage it he said it makes it worse.


Any ideas would greatly help. He is currently taking a multi, B6, B1, Mag Taurine, Calcium and zinc.



Thank You



Hi Gina


sorry to hear of the waxing


Although the head bending sure does sound like a tic, the smelling one seems more like OCD.....my son went thru that once and the psychiatrist definitely felt it was OCD.


Is your son taking any supplement for OCD? Usually serotonin needs to be elevated some to control OCD symptoms and there are a number of supplements that can help with this.


For the head tic, my son always benefited from the Epsom Salts baths and accupuncture when he had those whiplash type tics. Also, regular visits to a NUCCA chiropractor are an essential part of therapy when these kinds of tics are around.


I notice that you arent doing any supplementing with Omega fatty acids which may be needed.

And there is always a chance that L-carnitine may help too ....


just some ideas for you to think on, and I do hope things start waning again soon.


Thanks Chemar,


I was thinking the same thing about the smelling "tic" being more of an OCD thing but we have never had an actual OCD issue before. Which are the best supplements for OCD? I have had Dan on Omega Fatty Acids befor and it didn't seem to make any changes with his TS so we stopped them. Do you thing it would be helpful with OCD? I also give him the L-carnitine when he has any type of eye tics but stop it when the tics have passed. Unfortunatly we have no NUCCA chiropractors here by us but My Mom goes to one and when we visit her (about 2 1/2 hours away) Dan likes to go to see him. Unfortunalty its not enough to really help but he feels better after seeing him for a day or 2.


Thanks Again,



Hi Gina


yes, I think Omega fatty acids are helpful for general health as well as the neuro stuff. A BLEND is best, with Omega 3, 6 and 9


There are a number of supps that elevate serotonin and it really is best to work with a physician in deciding which to use. They should NOT be used together without physician guidance and they should NEVER be used in conjunction with SSRI (antidepressant) meds


The mildest, yet very effective is INOSITOL ( a B vitamin)

The most "potent" and fast acting is 5HTP, but some people dont react well to it


Others are samE or methionine

and some people find phenylalanine helpful


GABA is also helpful for some, but seems to be more beneficial for anxiety issues.



again....the best way to try these is under physician guidance.


You could try starting with 500mg per day of Inositol and see if that helps.



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