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My son lost a tooth last night and we have been having an increase behavioral symptoms for the last week or two. I remember reading on the PANDAS board that some had a flare of symptoms when losing a tooth and I think I have also seen this on the Lyme board. I don't know if there is a connection for us or it is just a coincidence.



Could you answer Yes or no if you have noticed this?


if Yes:

Was it in the process of losing the teeth or after the teeth fell out that symptoms flared?


Are they behavioral symptoms or physical symptoms?


If there is a correlation, can anyone venture a guess why?



Our diagnosis of PANDAS over a year ago came at the time he was losing his first teeth, There were definitely symptoms long before that but we had a flare in illness and behavior that coincided with losing the teeth. Now it seems more like behavioral flare (except a recent rash) but I am not sure there is a connection.




I have two daughters with pandas (lyme questionable). We have noticed mini flare ups with the loss of teeth.


I would say typically we see increased low level pandas stuff (emotional for us, mostly). Typically by the time the tooth falls out, things start improving.


Each of my daughters probably experienced this 2 or 3 times. Typically, advil helps, and the issues go away a few days after the tooth is out.


Once, my older daughter lost 4 teeth in the span of about 2 weeks- we eventually had to do a steroid burst to calm this flare up.

Posted (edited)

I had read a great article about Lyme Disease... Dental Work/Teeth originally found on the 'Better Health Guy' website. Unfortunately, I did not bookmark and can not find article at the moment. Anyway.... going off memory, you have tons of Bacteria inclusive of Lyme in your teeth and when you loose a tooth or dental work is preformed the bacteria are release directly into blood stream.... Dental work like a vaccines, surgery, additional bacterias/viruses are sometimes the trigger for the initial on-set of illness.


Our older DS lost 4 teeth in the first two weeks we started Lyme treatment. We were seeing a herx response at that time so its hard to say if losing the teeth contributed. I believe his losing the teeth at that time was not a coincidence.


I was given a nice list of Biological Dentists throughout the US and Canada. Please PM if you are interested in 'potentially' one close by your home.


Four books recommended by our LLMD on this topic:


  • 'Its all in your head' and 'Alternative Medicine - The Definitive Guide': Hal Huggins
  • 'The Root Canal Cover-Up': George Meinig
  • 'Alternative Medicine - Definitive Guide to Cancer': Drs. Diamond and Cowden

Edited by SF Mom

Huge YES!!! DS7 is at his worst (behavioural symptoms) when he has a loose tooth, or when he is cutting new teeth. 6 year molars were a nightmare. He cut the last one in March and I was wondering if we would have to hospitalize him. He was taking off his seatbelt while I was driving, and threatening to jump out of the vehicle. He was demanding to go to a dentist on a sunday, screaming his head off that he needed the new tooth out NOW! When I finally convinced him there was no dentist on sunday he decided to try to bash out his new molar with a rock. He had the "cat eyes" (fully dilated pupils even in the light), and was nothing short of berserk.


He also flares when a tooth is loose (mostly mood lability), but the flare stops pretty fast once the tooth comes out. He had dental work last year and ran a fever afterwards, and screamed repetitively, non-stop until 1 a.m. He didn't have a voice the next day. He has PANDAS, and I suspect lyme (rashes, chest pain, fevers, joint swelling and pain, tinitis, tingling in limbs, etc). I am CDC positive for lyme. We finally got our passports and have an appointment with an LLMD in July.

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