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It is day two of the higher dose steroid burst (50mg) that we were instructed to do. Yesterday, I saw the OCD subside considerably. She was able to dress herself for bed last night and and was not afraid to let me hug her good night, in fear of contamination. Psychotic thoughts were greatly diminished She showered two days in a row. She sat with the tutor, with some noticeable OCD and agitation, but got through almost 2 hours of learning. She woke this morning with a bit of agitation and OCD, but was able to dress herself and get out the door by 9am, with her therapist. For the first time ever...her pupils did not look dialated and she did not have that pale sick look that she always has.The most interesting part was that giving tylenol for her achey ankles did not make her violent, which consistently happens to her with medications and we don't know why.... (Could it be that the steroids are bringing down brain inflammation, and now her brain is able to not be so assaulted?)

Needless to say...we are cautiously optimistic, since things in the past have looked like they were starting to help, only to see her regress. I am simply reporting what I am seeing. Good news for a change :0)


That's just great!

Do you know if she noticed the difference as well? Could she articulate that she felt better or different?

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