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Stopping All Supplements


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Hello Everyone,


Well my son Dan (who will be 10 this week) has requested to stop taking all of his pills.... He says he wants to see what would happen. Since it is summer I have decided to allow him to do so (with much anxiety and stress on my part) I told him he still has to take the multi-vitamin and he was ok with that.


So now my question is how long until these are all out of his system? (he was taking along with his multi - B1, B6, mag taurine, calcium, zinc, and at times L-carnitine) and how long should I allow him to ride this rollercoaster befor suggesting he start back-up?




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Hello Everyone,


Well my son Dan (who will be 10 this week) has requested to stop taking all of his pills....  He says he wants to see what would happen.  Since it is summer I have decided to allow him to do so (with much anxiety and stress on my part)  I told him he still has to take the multi-vitamin and he was ok with that.


So now my question is how long until these are all out of his system?  (he was taking along with his multi - B1, B6, mag taurine, calcium, zinc, and at times L-carnitine)  and how long should I allow him to ride this rollercoaster befor suggesting he start back-up?





Gina, first Hi! - I'm pretty new here. I think you are being a great Mom letting him try things out. I know I'd be as stressed as you, but I'd say that since you are going with his request you should let him decide. My guess is that when the tics come back (or should I say if, wouldn't that be nice if the tics didn't come back!!!) that he will start back up on his own and probably be more invested in taking the vits after that - it will empower him. Sorry don't have a clue as to how long it takes to get out of his system - would assume each person is different and also based on how much stress they encounter (good and bad). Good luck to both of you,


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Hi Gina,


Just wanted to add my experience...my son has also refused to take supplements on a few occasions - the multi and vit C are non negotiables - and he is fine with those as they are chewy and he likes them - the only swallowing one we insist on is the probiotic as he is on antibiotics daily. We have found that when he stops within a week to 10 days subtle tics seem to come back and it is always him how asks if he can start back on all his vitamins. I imagine it is even just nice for them to have a little break from the routine - it is a lot of vitamins to swallow through the course of the day. Within a few days back on the vitamins things seem to settle down. We have removed some vitamins in recent weeks and he seems fine - he has refused to take the B complex and Calcium and seems ok for the time being. We are planning on doing some further testing in the next few weeks - pyroluria and yeast test to start off with.

Good Luck. With hope the tics just stay away!!!!

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Well I'm a big believer in the supplements for I saw the difference that they made and the blood tests had shown the need for them. With that said, I do not see anything wrong with "down-sizing" the intake of supplements our kids take if we feel they might not need them anymore. We ourselves have cut our boy's supplement load in half and he's been doing fine.


Now for the issue of a child not wanting to swallow pills, my son will not swallow anything. To get around this we buy supplements in powder form, liquid form or in capsules. We then usually mix them into juice shakes. We stopped the prescribed shakes mixes of Brain Sustain and another brand from Thorne Labs.


Best of luck and I agree that the summer time, when schools out, is the best time to try something different.

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Well I'm a big believer in the supplements for I saw the difference that they made and the blood tests had shown the need for them. With that said, I do not see anything wrong with "down-sizing" the intake of supplements our kids take if we feel they might not need them anymore. We ourselves have cut our boy's supplement load in half and he's been doing fine.


Now for the issue of a child not wanting to swallow pills, my son will not swallow anything. To get around this we buy supplements in powder form, liquid form or in capsules. We then usually mix them into juice shakes. We stopped the prescribed shakes mixes of Brain Sustain and another brand from Thorne Labs.


Best of luck and I agree that the summer time, when schools out, is the best time to try something different.

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I agree that it is usually 10 days to 2 weeks for the effect of the supps to be really noticeable both in starting and stopping.


We would also allow my son to down size supps during summers and imagine our delight when he just didnt react badly last summer, since when he has been on just his daily multi plus a mag/cal/zinc/taurine and EFA with inositol every other day.


And many days he just takes his multi if he so chooses. He really has learned so well what his body needs, and, at 15, he is now responsible enough to take charge of his own supplement regimin (with watchful eyes of mama observing :) )

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Hi everyone and thanks for all your kind words and info,


Well it has been a little over a week since Dan has only taken his multi vitamin. I notice a bit more ticcing. Even my husband noticed and he never notices when my son tics more. What I was wishing would happen is that my son would notice the increase and say "hey I should take my vitamins again" He says he dosent notice the increase at all. Maybe he is just to young to notice. Well my deal with my son was a 2 week break so a few more days to go and than I will slowly add them back in. I do have a question in regards to the B vitamins. I had my son on individual B's but would like to try a B combo to narrow it down to 1 pill. Any suggestions on which ones to try?




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