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To Andy About Taurine

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Hi Andy,


I just read in a previous post that you give your 6 year old 500 mg of Taurine. Do you also give him calcium and magnesium? Right now I'm giving my 12 year old calcium and magnesium taurate but it doesn't seem to be doing much. I'm wondering if I should switch over to the straight Taurine....If I do, would I also do the calcium and magnesium in a 2:1 ratio? AND, do you split the dosage AND do you think it's best to give it in the morning or night? Sometimes I think the vitamins would be better absorbed at night since they're not being "removed" from the body during the day since we're not making any trips to the bathroom at night.





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Hi Lulu


we used the "straight" taurine (500mg per day) with 1000mg calcium/500mg magnesiun and 50mg zinc

He was almost 12 when we started this and over 120lbs

we found that evening was good for this group of supps



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Hi Lula.


We feel that all the supplements that we give to our child are importent for blood testing showed the need for all of them. However, the most important of the supplements would be the calcium and magnesium in a 2:1 ratio, the zinc, 50 mg,

The Folinic Acid, 800 mg, the vitamin B's especially vitamin B1 and vitamin B 12, the Taurine, the probiotics, and Nordic Cod Liver Fish Oil. I would not replace one with the other for they are all needed in my sons case. We also rely on garlic, vitamin C, and vitamin E. The probiotics are most likely better given at night and we try to divide the supplements into morning, afternoon. and evening. However, we always gave the B's , the calcium/mag and the taurine in the morning for we saw it helped him get thru the school day but for better body absorbion I would think that Chemar evening mark makes sense.


Latley we have cut back on the supplements so I only mentioned the ones that we still use above.

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Thanks Cheri & Andy,


We, too, have had alot of testing done on my son but not specific vitamin/mineral tests. I have been giving him the cal/mag and zinc for about 2 years but haven't gotten him up to the full dose that you recommend due to a little disorganization on my part. I have calculated the the dosages of each of those (including what's in his multi) and have him very close to the correct dosage now AND I made myself a schedue. So we're off and running!


Thanks for your help!



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