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Many parents are concerned about ABC's coverage of the autism-mercury issue. If you are unhappy with last night's news package, The National Autism Association encourages you to let them know. During last night's coverage:


No Scientist, Researcher or Doctor familiar with the connection between autism and thimerosal was interviewed.



Author David Kirby was not interviewed.



Lyn Redwood's credentials were not disclosed.



ABC's Timothy Johnson gave a one-sided commentary that championed the IOM and CDC all while endorsing the use of thimerosal in vaccines.



Johnson ridiculed RFK, yet readily accepted CDC's position on the issue. The CDC said there is no cover-up and Johnson took them at their word without further research.



ABC followed this story with a package about high-sugar cereals and how bad it may be for children, yet they favored the use of a bloodstream-bound neurotoxin.


We suggest that the entire autism and developmental-delay community flood ABC with faxes.


Do a one-page letter about your child's mercury poisoning symptoms, the regression, etc. and if you have it, include a second page that is his/her worst chelation results. We also suggest that you send a copy to other people in the media.


Please make your letters as firm as you wish, but refrain from using what may be perceived as threatening or harassing words.


Brian Williams said Tuesday on Imus in the Morning that NBC is going to look into this again. We think he needs to get copies of everything we send to ABC!


The media needs to be reminded that Autism is mercury poisoning. The CDC and FDA are in the indefensible position of saying excess mercury does not cause mercury poisoning. Let's show them what a bunch of determined parents wanting the truth for their children can do!


Fax number of ABC: Tim Johnson, (212) 456-5962, Charles Gibson, (212) 456-7290 Fax number of NBC Nightly News: (212) 664-6044


If you want to help and send a third fax, please send a copy of your letter and chelation results to Senator Enzi. Senator Rick Santorum announced today on Imus in the Morning that Senator Enzi is beginning investigations on Capital Hill. Senator Enzi's staff need to hear your story, your thanks for opening an investigation, and see the results of your child's chelation proving heavy-metal toxicity.


Senator Enzi's fax: (202) 228-0359


Thank you!


The National Autism Association Team


P.S. Vote RFK, Jr. ABC's Person of the week! Go to this link:




Complete Contact information if you want to contact them in other ways:


Anchor; Managing Editor

NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams

E-mail: brian.williams@nbc.com

Phone: (212) 664-4691

Fax: (212) 664-6044


Senator Michael Enzi

379A Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510-5004

Phone: (202) 224-3424

Fax: (202) 228-0359


Timothy Johnson

ABC Medical Editor and Commentator

Phone: (212) 456-1000

Fax: (212) 456-5962


Charles Gibson

ABC Co-Anchor

Good Morning America

Phone: (212) 456-5990

Fax: (212) 456-7290


I am so pleased to see this action being taken


We were really miffed at the slanted coverage that ABC gave last night, and so pleased to see the NAA following up on it!


thanks for the info Sydsmom


It is funny how hard it is to find the truth in the "media" on so many issues. It seems that very few do real reporting by investigating facts and instead the many just read what is given to them or make up stuff to fit their own agendas. The sad thing is democracy is losing and with that our rights as people which is why our children were poisoned in the first place. The political leaders of both parties sold us out. Noticed how Ted Kennedy a democrat who is very powerful has done nothing all these years yet Robert Kennedy a democrat who is out of the loop of real power has jumped to our cause. I see the same with the Republicans by the way with this issue. The lesser guys are fighting our battle, the nations kids battle.

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