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I know of a DAN doctor in Tampa who recommends vitamin a for before and after vacination shots, as well as vitamin c and some other stuff. However as for vitamin a, I thought the following may be of interest to those who follow the food supplement for treatment line of thought.


Good Sources of Vitamin A

Food Serving Size RAE %RDA mean % RDA women

Sweet Potato 1/2 C 1400 155 200

Carrot 1 medium 1015 112 145

Kale, boiled 1/2 C 240 26.6 34.2

Mango 1/2 medium 200 22.2 28.5

Turnip Greens 1/2 C 200 22.2 28.5

Spinach, raw 1 C 185 20.5 26.4

Papaya 1/2 medium 150 16.6 21.4

Red Bell Pepper 1/2 medium 140 15.5 20

Apricot 3 135 15 19.2

Cantaloupe 1/2 C 130 14.4 18.5

Milk, Fat Free 1 C 150 16.6 21.4

Romaine 1 C 70 7.7 10

Egg, large 1 95 10.5 13.5

Milk, whole 1 C 75 8.3 10.7

Tomato, raw 1 medium 35 3.8 5

Broccoli 1/2 C 35 3.8 5

Green Bell Pepper 1/2 C 15 1.6 2.1

Orange 1 medium 15 1.6 2.1


How to prepare foods to retain vitamin A.

Vitamin A can be lost from foods during preparation, cooking, or storage. To prevent loss of vitamin A:


Use raw fruits and vegetables whenever possible.

Keep vegetables (except sweet potatoes and winter squash) and fruits covered and refrigerated during storage.

Steam vegetables and braise, bake, or broil meats instead of frying. Some of the vitamin A is lost in the fat during frying.




A word on vitamin a. If taken naturally like carrots you do not have to worry about overdose. The body only aborbs enough vitamin a and stores it within the liver for when needed. The remainder is called pro-vitamin a and it also get stored but within the tissues of the skin. This process will help your body with things like prevention from sun damage. The pro-vitamin a aka beta carotene is great for the obvious reasons. Supplementation with vitamins for A is not advisable, since the body cannot make a distinction and will absorb to much vitamin a within the liver and could cause overdose. I use the word KADE for the vitamins that can do harm if taken in large quanitities. But rememeber you can never OD if taken in natural form like fruits and veggies. Also the enzymes that you receive from all of the things you listed are soooo very important. Great post!


Be Well;




As you know Maria, we are currently doing DMPS and DMSA detox on our child. However, we did do four years of natural detoxing before and are planning on doing only natural detox afterwards. I am a big believer in doing things as natural as possible. If you have not already done so, could you share some of your natural detoxing procedures/schedule.




I am not as sophisticated as many here on his forum, but the program I have choosen is a great multi-vitamin, acidopholus and he drinks 2 pounds of carrots, 1/4 pound of spinach and 1/3 of a cucumber daily (that's 16 oz of juice). Since Janaury we have noted that the light sensitivity has disappeared. THe sensitivity to clothing is also gone. The fear of new things- gone. The depressed mood swings- gone. THe stressed look on his bRow- gone. Chapped lips and cheeks- gone. THe dry hair- gone. Pasty, white complextion- gone. The whites of his eyes are white again. He gained weight about 5 pounds and has grown 2 inches in about 2 months. His personality has changed for the better. School grades went from satisfactory to proficient. The mouth stretching, body stretching are gone. The neck bending- gone. He is now able to watch TV and play computer games- but I am limiting him. His diet consists of fruit, meats, nuts and whole grains. Not art. flavors/colors and sugar is always watched closely. Excercise is encouraged and daily kisses, hugs and constant interaction is a must for us. He was in his grad ceremony last week and for one hour in front of 300+ people he performed wonderfully. Maybe one or two eye roll/blinks but considering last winter when he could not stop, I think he did fantastic.

My older son is also on the same prgram. He does not have ticS but does have asthma and he has benefitted from this too. So for now the progress is great. I am on a wait and see program and I hope AND PRAY that he continues to do great.


Be Well;





I still have not bought the book yet..juicing book that is..

can u give me the recipie for the 1/2 lb carrot..spinach..etc..do u add salt..olive oil...etc..for taste..

Matt started salad..about 2 weeks ago..he has lot more courage..so much so..he talks back to me..never happened..well..I wonder what happen to my timid son..

we stopped probiotic..little shy of giving live bacteria to him..




I use an 80/20 mixture for carrot and spinach. I started giving him the cucumber, because it is great for the skin. I will be adding celery to the mixture soon because celery is great for the nervous system. I wanted the warmer weather to come prior to the introduction of celery because celery drops the body temp. When juicing for illness you need about three pints a day for an adult. I figure a child around 50 pounds would be 1/3rd of the weight of an adult so 1 pint a day for a 50 pound child is good. Remember that through nutrition healing is slow. On average the body generates new cells very 28 days. From a healthy base (cell wise) healthy cells can grow. So if you are healing it will take time to create a healthy base so that you can generate healthy cells. Pretty common sense stuff and these are the things we were taught as children, but the western diet is just to tempting and way to easy to fall into.


Be Well;




Hi Marie,


WOW - I am so happy for you and your family. What an change in your son (and you) from when we first started to post. I am so happy his ceremony went well - I was waiting to hear how he did - you must have been thrilled.

The changes you describe are all so positive. Of course the one that caught my eye was the light sensitivity - I did not remember him being light sensitive - in what way did it manifest itself? Just tics? I remember the tv being a problem - is he on an LCD now? I think he is - did florescent lights bother him, did bright light outside bother him? With your testimony I wish I had the time to do the juicing full force - I think I will have to try and make some time, although I really am not sure my son would ever drink carrot and spinach juice. The time I tried it I just threw in tons of fruits and vegetables - no recipe, he hated it and so did we - it also seemed like a lot of work in light of all the baking I am doing. You have to pick your battles some times.

I am soooo thrilled to hear of your success, you have become such a positive cheerleader for everyone here - what a change from the desperate posts from early on.

My son continues to do well, minor tics here and there, nothing anyone would notice, and much of the time he is tic free, school has gone very well. As Ronna had said happened with her son, the ups and downs continue to be further and further apart, and the ups are the norm, the downs are becoming really not a big deal - nothing like they once were. What we see now is more the behaviour changes, emotional ups and downs etc not the tics. Before I think all I noticed were the tics. He still has problems with the florescent lights and bright sunshine, but it seems to be decreasing. There was a while he always wanted his sunglasses on and now he goes without. He was in a florescent lit basement for about an hour a week or so ago and there were no tics present. I am just hoping the summer will be so good for him, away from colds, flus etc. all the things that caused his immune system to go out of whack.


Thank you for continuing to share your success stories, the one about your mother was amazing.


You must spend a fortune on fresh vegetables!!!


Take care,


Hi Allison;


I thought you left us. Yes, all is well here and oh yes I spend a ton on thoses veggies. But well worth it. I hope this up-swing continues, it would be nice to know that all of the worry and hard work does pay off in the end.

I thank you for all of those kind words and oh yes how desperate I was back in December. I think if I ever see a Christmas tree again or perhaps attend a Christmas play I will have to be tranqualized. Talk about scarring. But you, Claire and Chemar have proven to me that there is so much more that we can do for our kids than to medicate. So my hats are off to all of you who have taught me so many things, but most of all for being there for me when I truely needed it. I know we still have a long road ahead, but I must thank God for friends like all of you who sent out arms to hug when I needed it most.

It is great to hear of your successes and I am truely amazed by the way you jumped in with both feet and worked so hard for you family. Your family is lucky to have such a great mom.

Well, keep in touch it is great to hear from you and


Be Well;




Marie, glad to hear the good news on your son's progress. Spinach and carrots are truly wonderful vegs. It is amazing on how much they can help repair and detox the body with. Thanks alot for the suggested doses. We will increase the amount of spinach and carrots.




I actually got Youngest to eat a piece of fresh spinach folded into a tiny square, with his salad today. <_<


I'd bet you have inspired many here.


It's always wonderful to hear from you and Allison both.


Sure wish Dara would drop in with an update on Karl Henry.



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