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I read somewhere on this forum that ibuprofen is useful during a PANDAS exacerbation. Anyone have any info or dosing recommendations? My DS is 13 and we are still searching for help/treatment. We've had to go the alternative route b/c of insurance denials for mainstream treatments. I need to do something while until our next appointment with new doc in late April. This will make PANDAS doc #5 (We already consulted some of the more popular docs on the East Coast).



Thanks for any info you can provide.


We use the standard dosing for my son's age and weight. Motrin has been a life saver for us in the bad times!


thank you! I gave him a regular dose this morning and he'll get another at lunch. Hopefully it will take the edge off. Do you dose the Motrin for days at a time until the exacerbation subsides?


We have found it to be very helpful at full dose for 3-4 days at the start of an exacerbation. I am cautious about using longer term, and have never tried it in a full fledge exacerbation. It takes the edge off that starting phase up & then we tend to be ok by day 5. We also increase to full strength Azith (prescription allows) and often find Benedryl helpful as well, if there is any kind of respiratory involvent.


We use the standard dosing for my son's age and weight. Motrin has been a life saver for us in the bad times!


thank you! I gave him a regular dose this morning and he'll get another at lunch. Hopefully it will take the edge off. Do you dose the Motrin for days at a time until the exacerbation subsides?


We don't normally use it long term, we try to use it sparingly, partly because of the side effects, but also partly because we're doing behavior therapy with him and have been working on other techniques to calm his anxiety and stop the rages (his sensory swing has cut down on our Motrin use significantly!!) But I know others who use it for several days at a time.


If you find yourself giving motrin more than a few days at a time, you may want to read up on milk thistle - a detox used frequently to help reduce herxing in lyme treatments. Here's some info that may be helpful http://books.google.com/books?id=J4TFtQeHkQAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=lyme&hl=en&ei=WiCbTdiEJsjOgAfgvfiZBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=milk%20thistle&f=false


You can also find info at the mayo clinic and other sites such as Univ of Md and Columbia that have medical reviews of herbs. We've found it very helpful. But do not give milk thistle to someone who has a ragweed allergy. The two are related. But from what I understand, milk thistle may have therapeutic effects than can help protect the liver if motrin is being used for any length of time.


our Motrin protocol has been a dose per weight every3-4 hours during the day for three days. maybe every child is different. My daughter is 60 lbs and takes 200 mg...

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