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We are going to be changing over from antibiotics to a homeopathic protocol using herbs. Does anyone have any experience with A-Bart and/or BioPure Neem Synergy? We did ART muscle testing which showed these particular herbs to be helpful to my son's Lyme and Bartonella.


We are going to be changing over from antibiotics to a homeopathic protocol using herbs. Does anyone have any experience with A-Bart and/or BioPure Neem Synergy? We did ART muscle testing which showed these particular herbs to be helpful to my son's Lyme and Bartonella.

My ds13 was on Neem (BioPure)along with 4 others things which his Dr. just told us yesterday is really good for Babesia. She has my son taking this aweful-tastin 'cocktail' that has Neem, Virescence, quintessense, artemesin, grapefruit seed extract, and 1 raw eggyolk (local, organic). He gets 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 b/4 dinner. It really tastes bad.


This is just part of his protocol. He is off just the cocktail for 2 weeks until tonsils are removed because it thins the blood. He has only been on abx for 1 month (out of 5 months) and is supposed to continue that for 2 more months.


Everthing that I have read/researched really supports the use of these natureopathic/homeopathic treatments and I never really knew about them before all this started. Our Dr. also does the ART testing which is quite amazing.


Best wishes on your treatment!

Posted (edited)

My son has been on A-Bart plus antibiotics. I have been on Bar-1 (Bartonella), A-Bart (Bartonella) and Crypto Plus for (Babesia). The Crypto Plus has been as strong as any antibiotic I have taken. We plan to treat my husband with some of Bryan White protocol.



Edited by SF Mom

I don't have any info but wanted to ask why you are changing over? I'm just curious since I assume this is someting we will do at some point but I don't know how to figure out when.




I've never been crazy about long term antibiotics and when the ART testing showed that the antibiotics were doing as equal a job that the herbs could do, we decided to switch over. Time will tell if this was the right decision but I'm keeping the faith :)



I don't have any info but wanted to ask why you are changing over? I'm just curious since I assume this is someting we will do at some point but I don't know how to figure out when.




Is there a certain time to take herbs? Our LLMD said 30 minutes away from food but I didn't ask if they can be taken at same time as probiotics and other supplements. It's not too realistic to take them 30 minutes away from food, what with school, etc. So I'm wondering if that makes a big difference in the effectiveness of the herbs.


Timing of herbs really depends on the herb and the individual. Some are normally best first thing in morning, some are really best last thing at night, some better with food like breakfast or dinner. Sometimes specifics matter. I test for A-Bart 5 minutes before meal (no, not 10, not 0, 5) and then A-L during meal, but then need at least 30 minutes separating them. These are fairly potent blends of herbs made by the same company, so they need their own time to get their energies processed. In the beginning when I started taking GSE, it had to be with meal, and now it's best empty stomach. I think I know why--it's brutal on the insides (like esophagus) when they are damaged, so mixing with food made it easier. Now, more healed without food is handled and more potent.


On switching over, only thing I'd suggest you consider is, what does ART say in terms of abx plus herbs. For quite a while, the combination was great for me, much better than either could provide.


The ART showed that the antibiotics weren't adding any additional benefit than what the herbs could do. LLMD was somewhat surprised by that and did offer to keep my son on both but since there wasn't much value to using both, we went with herbs only. Interestingly, my son has been in such a good mood these past few days of being on just the Neem. We haven't started the A-Bart yet - I'm afraid that could change everything.


Do you know of a good informational website for herbs?


Timing of herbs really depends on the herb and the individual. Some are normally best first thing in morning, some are really best last thing at night, some better with food like breakfast or dinner. Sometimes specifics matter. I test for A-Bart 5 minutes before meal (no, not 10, not 0, 5) and then A-L during meal, but then need at least 30 minutes separating them. These are fairly potent blends of herbs made by the same company, so they need their own time to get their energies processed. In the beginning when I started taking GSE, it had to be with meal, and now it's best empty stomach. I think I know why--it's brutal on the insides (like esophagus) when they are damaged, so mixing with food made it easier. Now, more healed without food is handled and more potent.


On switching over, only thing I'd suggest you consider is, what does ART say in terms of abx plus herbs. For quite a while, the combination was great for me, much better than either could provide.


I test for A-Bart 5 minutes before meal (no, not 10, not 0, 5)

What do you mean "test" for A-Bart?


This week we re-started A-Bart (DS did it for a week and then refused - a month later, we're re-starting after promising LLMD he'd take it twice a week). But the taste, or smell, or maybe just bad memories/psych out - made DS gag (with only 1 drop mixed with water). This was right after dinner and taking bactrim, zith and omnicef. So the fear was that he'd end up barfing out all of his meds if he took the A-Bart at dinner time. We're going to try 4pm with a snack tomorrow (will try do do Thur + Sun). Any thoughts?


Also, would one drop of A-Bart produce any significant herx? He took it for a week last month and we saw no noticeable changes. But we changed from augmentin XR to omnicef last week and were weathering a pretty significant herx that we thought was starting to wane. But then yesterday (Fri) was really ugly. Didn't think it could be A-Bart on only one drop.


So I started milk thistle last night at bedtime (is it ok to take with probiotics and vitamins?). Today is not great but better.


Supposed to add tindamax next weekend and my nerves are shot just at the thought of it.


I've been taking some of these herbs myself and yes you can get a fairly bad herx as result. We put it in OJ and that helps a little with smell and taste.


BUT, your son is also worse around the one week mark post starting XR/Omnicef which is typically an indication of Bartonella or Babesia on the run/herx. Has he been diagnosed with either yet? Definitely note the increase in symptoms one week post starting new combo and try to notice if there isn't another surge in 7 to 10 days.


I definitely know the feeling of 'just wanting to give the kid a break' with protocol. BUT, it is very possible he'll feel better on the tindamax... Maybe hold off a little on to see if you can't notice pattern with new rotation and for things to settle just a bit.




I've been taking some of these herbs myself and yes you can get a fairly bad herx as result. We put it in OJ and that helps a little with smell and taste.


BUT, your son is also worse around the one week mark post starting XR/Omnicef which is typically an indication of Bartonella or Babesia on the run/herx. Has he been diagnosed with either yet? Definitely note the increase in symptoms one week post starting new combo and try to notice if there isn't another surge in 7 to 10 days.


Our LLMD said to only use water with the herbs (I had asked about juice). But it's just one drop so far. Seems a stretch that one drop could produce a change when he had already taken a week of the stuff with little effect. Guess I'm reaching.


Just to clarify - we dropped the XR and added the omnicef a week ago. No other change except the one drop of A-Bart. Yes, we have a bartonella dx in addition to the lyme.


I did not know that about putting the Herbs in water only. I don't think I could get my kids to take it with water either.


Yeah, I think you are more likely seeing a flair from the protocol change than the herbs at this point. BUT, with the building of the herbs and tindamax I suspect 'more symptoms'. Hopefully not too bad.



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