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Just wondering if any adult Lyme sufferers have tried this. My nutritionist recommended it. It supposedly is good for anyone but especially those w/ chronic illness. I was concerned b/c I had my gall bladder removed 2 yrs. ago but she said it would still be great for me. I did it and man, did I feel the energy burst! I was a cleaning fool today. I was so focused and energized. I was doing laundry, changing sheets, scrubbing bathrooms, etc. Then when I was done, I went out shopping. Usually I am not energized or focused enough to do all that I did today. I am so afraid to lose the energy burst. I hope I still have it tomorrow! B)


Just wondering if any adult Lyme sufferers have tried this. My nutritionist recommended it. It supposedly is good for anyone but especially those w/ chronic illness. I was concerned b/c I had my gall bladder removed 2 yrs. ago but she said it would still be great for me. I did it and man, did I feel the energy burst! I was a cleaning fool today. I was so focused and energized. I was doing laundry, changing sheets, scrubbing bathrooms, etc. Then when I was done, I went out shopping. Usually I am not energized or focused enough to do all that I did today. I am so afraid to lose the energy burst. I hope I still have it tomorrow! B)

Good for you! I've been meaning to try it but there are different versions and I could not make up my mind. Do you have a link or specific instructions you used?


Been thinking about this literally for months, wondering when the right time to do it would be. Tried something like this several years ago and it was a disaster, so kind of looking for a little better healing first, and no idea regarding the right time.


Also very curious to get details on protocol you followed, and the state of your digestive system before-hand (what problems, if any, you had), as I've had a lot of digestive problems. These problems make me feel I may have much to benefit, but also wondering if they will cause the problems I had last time. Last time I tried, I couldn't take all the stuff and eventually just vomited and stopped. I have had a lot of food sensitivities, acid reflux, sliding hiatal hernia, plenty of loose stool/diarrhea, plenty of food not really getting digested (looks similar coming out compared to how swallowed).


I followed the Andrea Moritz method. I bought his book from Amazon b/c my nutritionist couldn't keep it on the shelf. The prep work begins on a Monday and the actual cleanse begins Fri into Sat. The weeksdays you are just prepping by drinking 1 qt. of apple juice (organic is best). My nutritionist had me add in 40 drops "Phosfood" drops. It's liquid phosphorous. I need to ask her why that's added in. See, I got a copy of the cleanse from my nutritionist and started b/f I got the book. The directions I had were very similar to the book but the Phosfood drops weren't in the book. Maybe it works w/ the malic acid in apple juice to soften stones??? Here's a simple explanation of this cleanse:




The book really explains a lot in detail. It's quite interesting if all true. It's amazing how important bile and a healthy liver is b/c it causes a lot of problems for the whole body down to allergies...who would have thought!? I figured I had nothing to lose. It's more apple juice than I'd normally drink in a day but rather simple all week. But I was dreading Fri. afternoon. Being told not to eat, makes me think I need to eat! LOL! But that part was easy too. I thought epsom salt would taste like table salt. NOT THE CASE! Tasted terrible! The book gives a lot of tips on how to replace any ingredients that you can't tolerate whether it be due to allergies or personal taste. Luckily I read enough of it b/f the cleanse to know to pinch my nose when drinking the gross stuff (knew that from eating fish as a kid but didn't think to do it for the cleanse till I read that tip in the book!). I also read that when it came time to drink the olive oil and lemon juice, to eat a little honey in between sips if you can't do it in one non stop gulp. I don't know how anyone could. The honey helped a lot! I never got queasy. I hear it's normal if you do but eating a light breakfast and lunch...fruits and veggies, no fats, really helps cut down on queasiness.


As far as symptoms that caused me to do the cleanse...I was complaining to the nutritionist how I have changed my eating, don't drink red wine like I used to b/f Lyme meds so why can't I lose the 15 lbs I gained from being more sedentary over the past year. She suggested the cleanse. After reading the book, I wish I knew about it 4 yrs. ago when I suddenly got a BAD gallbladder attack. I was living in Puerto Rico for DH's job, had 2 little ones, no family around and after hearing I had a lot of stones from the radiologist, I hopped on the next flight to FL to go to my parents' house and got my gallbladder out ASAP. Same thing happened to my mom when she was around the same age. I thought that was my best option. Now after reading the book, I would have done the cleanse and waited on surgery. But it is what it is. I also wonder how many other issues over the years were attributed to stones--espophagitis, gastritis, skin conditions, IBS ,etc. I also figured from all the Lyme meds, a liver cleanse would be a good thing.


Since I don't have a gallbladder, the nutritionist had me do the apple juice stage a little longer. She said a week longer. I didn't do it quite that long. I needed to make sure I ended the cleanse on a day that I had time to recover. Overall, I had a good experience. Today I had good energy. Not as much as yesterday but good enough to keep going all day and get on the treadmill b/f dinner. I also felt no bloating around my midsection!


Good luck!


Glad to hear about the liver cleanse !! Our natropath gave us a cleanse that I would say is a mini cleanse compared to yours, I also do a wormwood combination parasite cleanse spring/fall in conjunction. But the the cleanse is simple my husband and I noticed a bit of weightloss, both 6 pounds but that could have been from the first time. I do not have a gallbladder and this is very gentle and no bathroom disasters-here it is:Wake up and have 1-2 cups warm water, wait 5 minutes and have 1 Tablespoon organic lemon juice squeezed and 1 Tablespoon organic olive oil -I drank from a shot glass and it tasted like salad dressing-wait 30 minutes until you eat and do for a week.

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