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DS had a P.E. field trip to the bowling center. I was late getting there but when I got there I could tell he had been crying. He was extremely grumpy (usually is). He went off on another kid and was screaming in his face. I got on to him. Later, he was mad because another kid took his bowling ball out of turn. We have been at treatment since October and it seems like we should be past this by now. I am very sure of his test results, but now I am not sure of his doctor...


Any opinions????? This is really hard to watch....




oh cobbie -- sorry to hear it. i know just how draining that scene can be!!


not sure what you mean about the results and the dr. i will say -- ds has been in treatment for multiple infections for about a year. much has improved, but there are still some issues -- a lot revolving around fairness -- which sounds like the root issue today for your son.


ds's drs appt was a few weeks ago. the weekend prior, he was amazing. dh and i kept laughing -- who is this child here with us this weekend. tuesday, he was back to his normal. i think wed was the appt. when i told the dr (granted, he's not living it everyday but interesting perspective) -- he said, well i think it's a good thing you're getting those times of good. i'm not at all discouraged with a regression, i'm happy with the days of good.


your ds is about the same age -- yes? mine is 6. he has trouble processing the excitement of things sometimes. could have been something like that -- just too much to handle.


I'm so sorry this happened. I know how frustrating/embarrassing/draining these public scenes can be. My ds has always had trouble at bowling alleys. He has sensory and auditory processing disorder and i think the noise/acoustics in a bowling alley is particularly overwhelming for him. I've often seen crying and altercations with other kids. Does your son have SID? I try to steer clear of bowling alleys as much as possible, but when we do go, if I see any sign of impending problems, I take him outside for a sensory break. He learned quickly that these help him feel better and calm down, so he goes willingly.


Also, on the doctor, I'd say if you have any doubts at all, get a second opinion from another LLMD. It can't hurt! Yes, I agree that 5 months isn't enough time to completely heal, but also think you should listen to your gut if you are having reservations about the doctor or treatment protocol.


DS is 11, and we have been living through these incidents since he was four. So, basically every school field trip, lately every music concert, sister's athletic events (she is a phenomenal athlete), and church activity (which is kind of why I quit going.) Now we have a reason for his behaviors, Lyme and herx, but I was so ready for the behaviors to be over after we did Ivig last July for Pandas. (they were over for a short while) I think I am just tired of this fight, a lot depressed that we are fighting a different fight, and tired of being embarrassed both for him and by him so many times.


We are following doctors orders very carefully. She is our second opinion doctor that the insurance does not want to pay any money for any of her recommended treatments (She is an M.D., but has been successfully sued twice which gives me pause for concern). First doctor is farther away, not that it factors in, and he did not perform all the testing that she did. I feel that he would utilitze the tests she ordered to structure his treatment. Also, we had his 24th Bicillin shot last week and he cried through the whole process. :( I vowed never again and told my son that. :unsure: That was probably the wrong thing to do, but he has cried the last three or four shots, and I just couldn't do it again.


As you can see, this is more about my embarrassment and hang ups than my sons. I just want to put my arms around him and protect him from everything, but that is not how life works...




Tired Cobbie


Tired Cobbie-

I feel like I could have wrote parts of your post myself. Hang tough, Cobbie!


That's a lot of bicillin shots...he's a trooper alright...I would have cried thru all 24.



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