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Your post made perfect sense to me. I have looked at both sides of the family too. We have what would be a third cousin of my kids who does the blinky eye tic. Interestingly, his Mom told me, his Dr. said it was allergy related. Wish I would have asked her at the time who the Dr. was, but my thought was "allergy right, that's a tic" now after 5 months of all of this reading, I guess we probably were both right.


I have psorisis on my elbow, my husband had a spot of alopecia on the back of his head, and his Aunt has had this too, a Dermatologist gave him injections in this quarter sized bald spot and the hair regrew. He has thick dark brown hair, it really looked funny. I have read where both of these things are considered autoimmune issues. We have a great uncle on husbands side that is a chronic change jingler and hummer, I could go on and on. I remember things from childhood now too, that seem like if you stretched it, could be related, but when I look at kids, most are a little quirky. We have a blinky nose scruntcher in our neighborhood, and a 12 year old who I no longer think is imitating my son. He has been head shaking since he started playing with my sons, and now I think it's more like a suggestive tic. I had been reading a web site, with mostly older teens and a few adults, that are taking med, before I found this site. They had mentioned summer tic camps aren't always good because sometimes your child will pick up new tics from another child. My oldest has said "Mom, make him stop shaking his head, or I'm going to start" He's talking about his younger brother. From what the boys say, when they're in the ticcy mode, even talking about it, will bring on tics. I was watching a child at my sons baseball game in the outfield shoulder shrugging. For almost the whole innning I thought it was my son. This kid does not tic, but it sure looked like he was sensitive to his Jersey, which is what my son has said. He will say "Mom that's not a tic, my shirt just feels funny, if a shirt is a little on the big side, he hates the way it feels. I'll have to see how much he does this, this summer when he's swimming and has no shirt on. My husband and I both have 1 sister each, no one else has ticcy kids, although my husbands sister strongly believes her 4 year old daughter has yeast reactions to antibiotics. She recently refused an antibiotic for a Strep infection. Her Dr. reminded her of the risk of not treating, but said he understood this was a new way of thinking, and did not insist. This beautiful little girl has had tubes in her ears and quite a few throat infections-no tics thank heavens.


Hi Daniel,

I'm so glad that the information I posted struck a chord with someone else. The website I provided is the best place to get information, even a list of people near you who have been trained in this approach. I don't know where you live, but the person I saw is in NJ. She's a "regular" OT who has extra training in this particular approach and she is VERY happy that she discovered it, believing that it goes beyond where OTs usually tread.


It seems that one really needs to be evaluated before a decision can be made about which exercises/activities are appropriate. If anyone reading this post lives within striking distance of Clifton, NJ, the founder of HANDLE is speaking there this Wednesday evening at 7:30.


Good luck.



Hi All,


It is so refreshing to here about all of the positive outlooks on this thread.


Allsion, I am so glad you and your family are doing well. I didn't know you tried juicing. That is great. I always say it is a real commitment. I get up at 5 every morning and juice so I know what you mean about the time. I often think of you becuse I think we are living paralel lives.


As for the rest who posted on this thread, I agree it is only when we look back that we can see the little things that we just assumed were normal quirks that led us to where we are now. My little one started last summer with asking impossoble questions and if didn;t answer them right it was just ugly. We call it the ol' 6 and 7. He would ask "what is 6 and 7" There was no right answer and he would carry on for an hour about how I didn't understand. THan it was the sock seam which he called squiggles, the eye sensitivity, the difficulty swallowing, etc. All of these things were an every now and again. But I really thought I needed professional help and it was ME that was the problem. This site helped me realize that all of these little things were more than personality issues or bad parenting. The altenative mentioned here found in various forms brought forth so many remedies to help stabilize somethings and cure others.


As for me, well this week has proved that the "waxing and wanning" period is more diet than anything else. You see my uncle passed away earlier this week and so my mother-in-law pinched hit for me. Well her time with him was more sneaking ice cream and cakes and hot dogs. The TV was always on and of course he missed me and his schedule. So by Sunday when I was back my little one started the sniffing and coughing and some eye stuff. I think because of his daily juice he was able to eliminate these things quicker and because of the supplements he immune system is stronger so his reactions were not as strong.


I am a true beleiver of mind, body and spirit. KJS (I think you are the one that posted about spinning out of control) believe me you are not the only one. This journey has taught me more about myself, my son and my family than anything I have ever experienced. I cherish my child more today than the first time the doctor placed him in my arms. If not for him I don't think I would have ever fully embraced motherhood. This is some pretty scary stuff we are going through and the unknowns drive me nuts. But we will get through this one day at a time and the silver lining I have found is that I will never take what I have for granted, tics or not I am truely lucky to have this child. I am sure all of us here feel this way, or we would not have searched out this site for help. We are here to help you in what ever way we can. This thread is a great thread of hope, someone should bump this one every now and again.


God Bless





I live in NJ too..


Can you PM me on her name and address.

I am striking distance from Clifton..



Hi Daniel,

I'm so glad that the information I posted struck a chord with someone else.  The website I provided is the best place to get information, even a list of people near you who have been trained in this approach.  I don't know where you live, but the person I saw is in NJ.  She's a "regular" OT who has extra training in this particular approach and she is VERY happy that she discovered it, believing that it goes beyond where OTs usually tread.


It seems that one really needs to be evaluated before a decision can be made about which exercises/activities are appropriate.  If anyone reading this post lives within striking distance of Clifton, NJ, the founder of HANDLE is speaking there this Wednesday evening at 7:30.


Good luck.





I agree with you wholeheartedly..

waxing and waning is a term to mystify people..Like some one told me once..

nothing more like a bad day/good day of your allergy..


It is all related to diet..absolutely..it is all related to your gut..not able to breakdown sugar/carbo/etc..and create toxin..


That is all for some of the kids here..some may be more complicated..

but I have read hundreds of posts..all comes back to the GUT!!!


tell that to a neuro..

Kim u tell that to a neuro :-)


sigh!!! this is nothing more than a proper diet sometimes..


I think no matter what..instead listening to the mumble jumble kids will be able to outgrow it in late teen..kids can outgrow NOW!!!! NOW!!..


and the best thing is everybody is eating healthier..


I will but the bood on specific carbo diet..(SCD)..


enzymes would be great too..but family and friends feel..we don't need to go that fast..


I will be praying..that somehow the medical community will recognize this important issue..


Hi All,


It is so refreshing to here about all of the positive outlooks on this thread. 


Allsion, I am so glad you and your family are doing well.  I didn't know you tried juicing. That is great.  I always say it is a real commitment.  I get up at 5 every morning and juice so I know what you mean about the time.  I often think of you becuse I think we are living paralel lives. 


As for the rest who posted on this thread, I agree it is only when we look back that we can see the little things that we just assumed were normal quirks that led us to where we are now.  My little one started last summer with asking impossoble questions and if didn;t answer them right it was just ugly.  We call it the ol' 6 and 7.  He would ask "what is 6 and 7"  There was no right answer and he would carry on for an hour about how I didn't understand.  THan it was the sock seam which he called squiggles, the eye sensitivity, the difficulty swallowing, etc.  All of these things were an every now and again.  But I really thought I needed professional help and it was ME that was the problem.  This site helped me realize that all of these little things were more than personality issues or bad parenting.  The altenative mentioned here found in various forms brought forth so many remedies to help stabilize somethings and cure others. 


As for me, well this week has proved that the "waxing and wanning" period is more diet than anything else.  You see my uncle passed away earlier this week and so my mother-in-law pinched hit for me.  Well her time with him was more sneaking ice cream and cakes and hot dogs.  The TV was always on and of course he missed me and his schedule.  So by Sunday when I was back my little one started the sniffing and coughing and some eye stuff.  I think because of his daily juice he was able to eliminate these things quicker and because of the supplements he immune system is stronger so his reactions were not as strong. 


I am a true beleiver of mind, body and spirit.  KJS (I think you are the one that posted about spinning out of control)  believe me you are not the only one.  This journey has taught me more about myself, my son and my family than anything I have ever experienced.  I cherish my child more today than the first time the doctor placed him in my arms.  If not for him I don't think I would have ever fully embraced motherhood.  This is some pretty scary stuff we are going through and the unknowns drive me nuts.  But we will get through this one day at a time and the silver lining I have found is that I will never take what I have for granted, tics or not I am truely lucky to have this child.  I am sure all of us here feel this way, or we would not have searched out this site for help.  We are here to help you in what ever way we can.  This thread is a great thread of hope, someone should bump this one every now and again.


God Bless




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