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Our neurologist, who is also taking over our lyme treatment for the girls, referred dd8 to a chiropractic neurologist. We went today and it was very interesting. He had her do various things to test the strength and reactions on both sides of her body. It was obvious that her left side was weaker and less coordinated. I have to complete a long survey about what I have observed and then he will come up with what he thinks and suggests.


I don't quite know how it fits into lyme and pandas but I go back in 2 days to see what he has to say about her testing and my survey. The survey includes questions we are familiar with regarding behavior, sensory issues, ocd, etc. If her symtoms are being caused by lyme, then not sure how chiropractic would help (I mean it can't sure lyme) but maybe it would support her system so she can heal faster and maybe correct some of the damage caused so far.


Anyone else heard of this or seen one before?




We see a regular chiropractor and it does seem to help- especially cranial/sacral work, with insomnia in particular.


I just had someone refer me to a chiro neurologist, so we might check it out. We've been to several chiros through the past few years and some are better than others, and some just want to sell you tons of supplements and gadgets... it's hard to know what things are going to work unless you do invest in them, unfortunately.


Sounds interesting though. I have heard excellent things about various chiro techniques. Keep us updated!


Update on our appt today for those who are interested in this....


It was so fascinating watching the rest of the testing today. The doc says that dd8 has a right brain function deficiency which makes the left side of her body weak and uncoordinated. She has a very poor sense of smell which he says is probably the biggest contributor to her picky eating because she can't smell it well so she bases what she eats off of texture rather than the smell triggering her desire to eat. This could be what triggers her food OCD and food restriction when she is sick. He said the right side controls our sense of smell.


She holds her head tilted to the right and holds her shoulders uneven, he says this is common too. Said her impulsive, feet in your face type behavior can be attributed to this as well. It was amazing watching him test her and to see the left side over and over not be able to do what the right side can do. He said if your brain is in balance, it will have a dominate side for writing, kicking and catching but she switches it all around and leans toward the left side even though she's right handed. He's going to do adjustments on only one side of her body and then we have exercises and things to do from home to strengthen her left side (like lifting leg and arm for 10 seconds working our way up to 30 seconds, catching or kicking a ball, smelling essential oils). He has some music that he wants her to listen to only from her left ear. He said this will slowly retrain her brain to react as it should.


During the adjustment, he was able to crack her back and a few other places and she just melted in happiness and her back didn't bother her tonight.


I still don't know how all this fits with the lyme diagnosis but I'm thinking no matter what, getting her brain in balance will help all around. He wants to see her 12 times to start and I think this means going a couple of times a week. It's going to be a huge pain and burden on our schedules. But after that, we can go back to our local chiropractor and he can take over once the specific neurological adjustments are completed often enough.




That's awesome!! I'll be curious to watch her progress from afar!

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