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Sleep issues! I need to vent!

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Ds is still having sleep issues. Sometimes it takes him well over an hour to fall asleep and he gets distraught and then makes it even worse because he's so worked up. We've been using melatonin on the nights he's having trouble. He's not using it every night, though. Just the past 2 nights have been tough for him and it's waking me up and then I can't get back to sleep so I want to help figure this out for him so that I can get my rest, too. Right now, he's taking about 400-750 mcg of melatonin and I'm not sure why it's not working. I might have to up it 1.5 MG but I'm just hesitant to do that. We also give magnesium, but maybe I'm not giving him a high enough dose of mag, either? I run lavender oil and lemon balm in his room in a diffuser and I have him read for about a 1/2 hr before he turns out his light. You'd think that a kid who ran a mountain first thing in the morning and then played 2.5 hrs of tennis in the afternoon wouldn't have trouble falling asleep. He also went with me to run a few errands and helped me plant some flowers and did some work around the house. Yet, he was still awake at midnight trying to fall asleep. I finally resorted to benadryl and that did help him. What else can I do?

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Yes, and they do relax him but don't help him fall asleep any faster. 1 hr before bedtime he has to be off the computer and no TV. This seems to be a sporadic problem, too, same with bedwetting. It will happen a few times a week and then it won't happen for 2 weeks, etc. It's spring allergy time here and I wonder if the season change has something to do with it. I'm just so frustrated because of my own lack of sleep. I will be calling our doc and our naturopath later in the week if this continues.


I may try upping his magnesium. Thanks Chemar.

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