mmazz Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Hi Everyone, I just have to tell you all how much I missed you. It really was a long few days for me. But anyway I"m at day 10 on the antibiotics and overall he is doing very well. I thought that the meds would bring on tics, but rather seemed to lessened them further. I am so happy about this but is that possible that it would have such an affect? Marie
kim Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Marie, Your juicing is paying off! Has this been the case in the past, reduction of tics when on antibiotics? My 12 yr. old had a round of amoxycillian not long ago for streph, I didn't see any increase in tics either. Prior to him taking Bonnie's vitamins, it would seem like as the illness was coming on, his tics would increase. Once it "hit" I didn't notice them much-maybe because he was laying in bed, no stress. After, we would be back to where we were before only a little worse for a while. I have thought of you Marie, while this board was down because recently I have started both boys on digestive enzymes. As you guys probably get sick of hearing me say, my 8 year old is such a limited eater, that I don't feel he can handle food elimination. The enzymes seem worth a try and appear to be safe. Claire was the one who originally brought this option to my attention. If anyone would like info. on this just ask. As time goes on, and I have results to post I'll let you know what I'm seeing. Anyway, your juicing should be providing your kids with extra enzymes which help break down proteins, fats etc. that could potentially be a problem for at least some of our kids, you probably know a lot of this from your books. They may also be beneficial in treatment of yeast. There is also a product mentioned frequently on the Enzyme/Autism web site called Juice+. I haven't checked into it much, but it does look interesting for anyone who is looking for what I understand to be a pretty natural product. Fruit and vegtables in a capsule. If you can't do the real thing, it might be worth a look. So glad to hear things there are better Marie. Kim
mmazz Posted May 23, 2005 Author Report Posted May 23, 2005 Thanks Kim: Juicing is really paying off, I see such great results. But I have to admit I was worried about the round of meds screwing things up. I understand the importance of digestive enzymes and the way I see it is that if you are sensitive to something these enzymes toegether with a healthy digestive track will eliminate it quickly as not to aggrevate the body as a whole. Insead of sitting in the toxins it just gets rid of it. On the other side, it also breaks down your food for better absorbtion of vit/minerals. Just a quick note on juicing. My mother had growths on her kidneys and blood in her urine. He tests were loooking pretty scary. They scheduled her from more invasive testing and that was about three weeks away. Her ultrasound showed these growths. So anyway we juiced her for 3 weeks. Spinach, carrots, parsley,watercress and beets. 2 gallons every day for 3 weeks. She went for her dye imaging tests- bladder tests and more blood work. The doc called her in and told her that what she had "disappeared". There is only a small spot that was probably where the growth sat but other than that it was gone. The doc was amazed. My mother told the doc she was juicing and the doc told her that keep juicing but it was likely that this diappeared on its own. I think it was the 600 pounds of carrots she drank. Cheers and a glass to good health:) Mare
efgh Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 Mmazz and Kim would appreciate more inputs from you in Enzymes - can you please elaborate on the brand/dosage that you give and also its benefits? thanks
KJS Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 I am also very interested in the enzymes. Daniel has been speaking about them, too. Is it worth starting a new thread called "Enzymes" or such so we can easily track it?
mmazz Posted May 24, 2005 Author Report Posted May 24, 2005 Hi All, From what I read in my juicing books enyzmes are very important to the body. Without them your body cannot breakdown foods and absorb vitamins and minerals. I do not supplement with OTC enzymes, I use the natural source spinach, carrots, cucumbers and celery- juices and drank immedialtely for better absorbtion. Spinach and carrots are what I use daily with the adding of the later as to add a different taste every now and again. The enzymes in the fresh veggies go right to work breaking down the foods. You can see and feel the difference with juicing ASAP for your body will start to eliminate all stored wastes within a day or two and if you continue drinking a glass daily, your body will eliminate twice daily. So if your body is not eliminating daily, your body is reabsorbing its waste and cannot benefit from all of the supplements and good dietary things you are working so hard in doing. These enzymes are so important to the breakig down of your foods and although supplements are good, I do find that the natural veggies (juiced) are the best. I know I am the only one on the forum who is committed (or should be ) to jucing, but the benefits are worth while. I wish I had more info on this. I think Claire did start a thread on enzymes a few weeks back. I'll try to look it up later and bring it up. Claire and Chemar...where are you? You are missed! Marie
kim Posted May 26, 2005 Report Posted May 26, 2005 Hi everyone, I took youngest to the Ped. again yesterday with the infamous white spots on tonsils. Third round of this in about 6-8 weeks, guess I shouldn't have told you Marie, that we were finally over that. He was back in school today, and it doesnt look like a big deal, but did want a culture, just in case. Had to stop enzymes for a couple of days until I can make sure nothing is time released in the new allergy meds. I have to tell you, if you want proof these things break stuff down, try sprinkling a little on your tongue. This is not recommended, in fact you are supposed to drink water afer taking, I was breaking capsules apart so the powder would have come in contact, and youngest looked like he had a brand new tongue(just a spot) I posted to ask if this was normal, and Daniel had already read it was, and it is. I was giving a very low dose and going very slow like 1/8 of a capsule a day with youngest, so I really can't say anything about results we didn't take enough for long enough. I will go back to giving them after I check on it. KJS-efgh, were either of you impressed after reading up on these things? kim
KJS Posted May 26, 2005 Report Posted May 26, 2005 Hi Kim, Sorry, I haven't yet read up on the enzymes. Is that what you're asking about? Karen
kim Posted May 26, 2005 Report Posted May 26, 2005 Karen, Yes, I was wondering what you thought of the enzymes. Again juicing or elimination of foods which could be offenders, would be my first choice, but this looks like a resonable option in my youngest sons situation, due to his lack of willingness try new foods and his very limited diet. Kim EFGH, did you find the low and slow dosing schedule on the web site?
mmazz Posted June 7, 2005 Author Report Posted June 7, 2005 Well here we go again, now its an ear infection. Terrible pain, fever, stomache upset, you name it, he felt it. I never did see him stay still for more than an hour. But today he was a mess. I took him to the doc for a diagnosis and of course the script of antibotics and ... Funy enough he watch TV for about 2 1/2 hours (regular screen) and about 1 1/2 on LCD. No tics. I would have never thought this would happen. Now the question...CLARIE IF YOUR READING PLEASE ANSWER??? When this all started TV was THE trigger. He could not watch a second without tics. Now he can do computers, TV and other screens. Is this part of the perverbial waxing and waining? Or is this a positive result of the supplements and juice theropy? I am so hopeful but I don't want to crash and burn (if you know what I mean). Any thoughts.... Marie
kim Posted June 7, 2005 Report Posted June 7, 2005 Marie, You are going to talk me into juicing even if no one is ticcing. Keep those great stories coming, and keep the faith. I know even if you have a little crash, you won't burn. That was a wonderful story about your Mom. 2 gallons a day? I can't imagine trying to drink that, but if I had a growth, think I'd try. Son doing screens sounds like another success story. Quick update on enzymes. Youngest has been taking Peptizyde -about 1/4 capsule once a day, and twice a day for about 3 days. It's hard to be consistant with him, because you have to give according to how much they eat at any given meal. It's really hard to call what he does "a meal". So it's slow going. I tried to give him Zymeprime twice, again just a pinch but he got quite a bad stomach ache both times. I don't know if he wasn't ready for a 2nd enzyme or if he hadn't eaten enough when I gave it. So it's pretty slow going. I'm concentrating on working up the dose of Peptizyde right now, to help with the dairy digestion. I can't say anything for sure, but he does not appear to be asking for milk as much. His tics are there, but not bad right now. I haven't noticed any difference in the bed wetting with the use of the enzymes, and I was sure it was related to a milk sensitivity. Maybe we are not using enough yet, or it isn't related. Will just keep going slow and see what happens. Hope your guy is feeling better. Kim
Spring Posted June 7, 2005 Report Posted June 7, 2005 Hi Marie, Re: tic with TV. This is great news to hear. I would think this is positive result of the supplements and juice therapy. In February, my son's lab report showed that he's high on mercury, cadmium and antimony. We took the "nature chelating(??)" - Using vitamins and other supplements - the same protocol as Clare's. My son has been on the supplements for about 2 months, his toluene to TV seems improved. His tics are very mild (or not show in some days). He probably will have a follow up test in a month, and we’ll see what his heavy metal level will be… Jean
ad_ccl Posted June 8, 2005 Report Posted June 8, 2005 Hi Marie, So sorry your son is not feeling well again - this too shall pass. Doesn't this SUCK!!!! We do seem to be living parallel lives. My son has been doing well but this weekend he seemed moody - subtle stuff that I noticed- yesterday I checked in with his teacher who said he was fine all day - today when I picked him up for lunch the teacher advised about 15 minutes earlier he had told her he felt his tics coming back - she asked what she could do to help and he said he wanted to sit by himself and read. At lunch I asked if he wanted to rest for the afternoon and he did - he LOVES school so it means something really was not quite right. He did stay home and his tics are still subtle but this evening I started noticing a subtle head nodding - he has had NOTHING like this since December - now it was subtle and my husband was not noticing it but I did. It is nothing severe at all but it is there. As my husband said this is the first time that my son has approached the teacher to say something wasn't feeling right - in the past it is the teacher who advises of his difficulty focusing etc. so this is a good thing in many ways. He has soccer tomorrow so I may have him do a half day so he can still go to soccer as sports is sooo important to him. When I read your post I did think the issue for me and many others is really WHY are our kids getting sick so often - again it all goes back to the immune system. I TRULY believe we are all on the right path in healing the immune system in whichever way we are most comfortable or makes most sense - all of our kids are getting better - Karen is still searching for the missing piece and I know she too will find it. Andy's info is amazing to read about. I know our kids are going to benefit from all that we are doing in trying to heal them in the most natural way possible. Regarding the tv exposure I go back to the bucket theory - you have emptied his bucket enough that he is better able to handle triggers that once he could not. I know with my son tv used to result in instant tics - motor, vocal etc - very obvious tics. He is now only watching an LCD which usually is fine, if he is sick even the LCD can cause subtle eye tics - A few months ago he went to the barber tic free and there was a regular tv there - within 5-10 minutes he had a body jerking tic we had not seen in quite some time - the obvious tics went away when he left the barber and some subtle one's remained for a few day. When we went to the hospital a few weeks ago there was a regular tv in the waiting room, I continued to encourage him not to watch but it is hard not to, we were in the waiting room for 3 hours - no increase in tics was noted. Also a few weeks ago at school he was exposed to a regular tv for about 40 minutes - teacher was very apologetic - tics were very minimal - no one would have noticed them. I think this shows his bucket continues to be emptied and he is able to handle more triggers with minimal tics. So... to answer your question - in my opinion the ability to handle tv is a positive result of your efforts!!! Your juicing stories are amazing - I am hoping that in the fall I can look into it more - right now I feel I am at my limit with the baking etc.
mmazz Posted June 10, 2005 Author Report Posted June 10, 2005 Hi Allison; I guess you are right about the empty bucket. I just hate to release the reigns and let him watch more TV. I kind of like not having couch potatoes (or is it just s?). So far this illness did not provoke anything. All I seen were a few eye rolls when he met one of my long lost cousins. He was quite nervous and very tired. It now seems to pop up when excitment hits but not like it was..thank God. Next week is his stepping up ceremony and I hope it goes better than the Christmas play. That one was just a tic fest. So maybe he'll surprise me and keep calm and cool. What's that old saying expect the worst and hope for the best. You know I have to laugh about how silly I can be. When he started crying from the pain he told me it was his gums that hurt and you could not even touch the gum. So I called my dentist, figuring that it was the 6 year molars that he was having trouble with. Well, by the time I got him into the dentist chair, he was running a fever and my dentist looked at me like I was nuts. He looked at his throat and ears and told me I was in the wrong doctors office. Isn't that embarassing? A day on the antibiotics, what I thought was the sniffing tic disappeared. Stupid me thought all that is differnt is a tic. I ignored the symptom that proved to be allergy or virus and he got a secondary infection. So like you with the eye allergy and thinking it was a tic, I too did the same thing. I think I'm driving myself crazy. Hey where are Claire and Chemar lately? I do hope they check in, I really miss their support. Well, here is to no more infections or strep and of course tics. Be Well, Marie
quan_daniel Posted June 10, 2005 Report Posted June 10, 2005 Marie, That was a heartwarming story.. oh by the way, my son's urine PH was 7.5 a year ago.. hm..hmm..??? that is alkaline yet he tics.. should be between 4 andd 7? but the range says 5 and 7.5 in labcorp.. confused. and what is an eye roll tic.. my son has neck/sholder tic.. CHeri is around..she is watching us and listening..:-) thanks Hi Allison; I guess you are right about the empty bucket. I just hate to release the reigns and let him watch more TV. I kind of like not having couch potatoes (or is it just s?). So far this illness did not provoke anything. All I seen were a few eye rolls when he met one of my long lost cousins. He was quite nervous and very tired. It now seems to pop up when excitment hits but not like it was..thank God. Next week is his stepping up ceremony and I hope it goes better than the Christmas play. That one was just a tic fest. So maybe he'll surprise me and keep calm and cool. What's that old saying expect the worst and hope for the best. You know I have to laugh about how silly I can be. When he started crying from the pain he told me it was his gums that hurt and you could not even touch the gum. So I called my dentist, figuring that it was the 6 year molars that he was having trouble with. Well, by the time I got him into the dentist chair, he was running a fever and my dentist looked at me like I was nuts. He looked at his throat and ears and told me I was in the wrong doctors office. Isn't that embarassing? A day on the antibiotics, what I thought was the sniffing tic disappeared. Stupid me thought all that is differnt is a tic. I ignored the symptom that proved to be allergy or virus and he got a secondary infection. So like you with the eye allergy and thinking it was a tic, I too did the same thing. I think I'm driving myself crazy. Hey where are Claire and Chemar lately? I do hope they check in, I really miss their support. Well, here is to no more infections or strep and of course tics. Be Well, Marie 8628[/snapback]
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